Topic: The Bible is our Book of Life by Megan Atherton Soundcloud Audio from FEBRUARY 25th, 2018 Texas Sunday Service Topic: The Bible is our Book of Life by Megan Atherton Facebook Video from FEBRUARY 25th, 2018 Texas Sunday Service Notes from FEBRUARY 25th, 2018 Texas Sunday Service SPEAKERS:Steven AthertonCharles HockerMegan AthertonSCRIPTURES USED:Revelation 20:11-15Revelation 21Revelation 22:1-2Psalm 116:12-13Proverbs 3:11Ephesians 4:22James 1:17SUBJECT:Christ came to save the ungodly, which is us.His Word is the only thing that is true and faithful.Our hope is in Jesus.Put off the things of this world and put on the mind of Christ.If we believe on the Lord, He will direct our path.The Bible is our book of life.The world teaches us to believe in ourselves. Jesus says to believe in Him.As we learn to walk in His ways, He will strengthen us in His ways.Let our names be found in the book of life.