1 PETER Men's Bible Study
Soundcloud Audio from 1 PETER Men's Bible Study
(NOVEMBER 5th, 2013 to DECEMBER 24th, 2013)
Notes from Men's Bible Study on 1 PETER
DATE: 2013-11-05
SUBJECT: 1 Peter 1
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- We have often heard Preach the Gospel, and if necessary use words and 1 Peter is a good example of how to preach the Gospel and if necessary use words.
- Peter was an apostle of Jesus Christ, this was Jesus’ choice and since Jesus did only that which His Father told Him to do, that was God’s choice.
- Jesus even refers to His disciples as a part of the faithless generation.
- When the Spirit of God hit Peter on the day of Pentecost, he was a changed man and immediately went forth preaching the Word in faith and power.
- We’ve read how Peter faltered and his ministry suffered and he even had to be rebuked, but 1 Peter and 2 Peter are written by a man who has seen it all and lays it out clearly with the perspective of some experience.
- Peter was the apostle to the circumcision and that is who he is writing to here.
- Strangers here refers to Christian Jews scattered throughout other countries who are believers on the Gospel.
- Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father refers to the event when Jesus went up on the mountain to pray and He called the ones the Lord gave him, he was elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father who gave that to Jesus.
- Sanctification of the Spirit (the work of the Holy Spirit in Peter’s life) unto the purpose of obedience to the faith and his Lord Jesus Christ. He was saved by the same Jesus Christ as we are saved.
- Grace and peace that Peter had, was in the Lord Jesus Christ and that was why he could impart it to others.
- Presumptive faith vs real faith.
- When we say “God bless you” it is presumptive. The apostles have the authority to bless, but it’s much safer for the rest of us to say “MAY God bless you” because otherwise you are saying it in presumption.
- In 2 Peter we learn that multiplication is your proper understanding of God’s Word.
- Study to show ourselves approved unto God. The Sword of the Spirit IS the Word of God. In training you get experience with the weapons so you can learn how to use them properly. If you think showing up to Bible Study allows you the opportunity to practice with the weapons the Lord has given us, you’re mistaken. That is your responsibility to do during the week when you are in the world, then you will have opportunities to exercise yourself in remembering the Word you have read and being able to share it with others and as you do, you will grow in knowledge and wisdom and you will be able to minister more effectively to people.
- Accurate knowledge of the Word and having a teacher who teaches accurately is critical or false doctrine grows from a seed and becomes a large problem.
- Christians are not perfect or better than anyone else, we are an example of the Lords longsuffering toward us.
Blessed be the God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. - Blessed and Bless’ed are spelled the same, when it refers to us it is blessed (because of Him), bless’ed refers to God.
- Those Jews who receive Christ are begotten again. He brought the Jews in but they may have fallen away, (he begot them first from Abraham but now they are coming back from Jesus).
- A lively hope is that hope that keeps hoping yet again. It’s alive and doesn’t die. It is by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead which had absolutely nothing to do with any of us. We need to put our hope in what God can and will do and even has done.
- Incorruptible comes from God, on this earth is corruptible.
- If you fall on the wrong side, it doesn’t mean that you have to stay on the wrong side of it.
- Hath means HAS, by implication it has already been done at the time of this writing. This does not pertain to predestination here. Hath already begotten… being born again for example is something done once and then we walk in it, it’ not something that’s done daily. That’s the difference between faith and doubt/unbelief where you are looking for a manifestation to assure us of what has been promised.
- This is written to the Jews – He cannot say that He has begotten Gentiles again because they were never begotten in the first place. This is specific to the Jews.
- When he was talking to Nicodemus he was referring to the fact that Nicodemus was first born in the flesh, in order to understand the kingdom of God he had to be born in the spirit (born again).
- Here it’s talking about begotten – born of God, again because it’s the second time. First through Abraham, through rebellion lost that but through obedience to Jesus receiving Christ they are begotten again and brought back into the fold.
- The purpose of the struggles we go through is to refine and perfect them in the faith and separate those who really love the Lord from those who just want to get something from Him.
- This is all part of enduring hardness as a good soldier. We sign up into the army of God when we become a Christian. This means we have to do some fighting.
- Without faith you cannot fight through to the promise given us through Jesus Christ.
- Without faith you are not capable of being saved. So trials and tribulations are permitted that you grow through them and become strong through them.
- By going through trials and tribulations now, our faith is able to drive us forward. Right now we have faith, right now we have grace. God has made a way for us to get through even through even when we sin and screw up, through faith we can stay the course. But once we get to heaven we had better be able to walk it because there is no grace in Heaven. There is no forgiveness of sin in Heaven. We cannot take Jesus off the cross and permit it to happen again. We need to learn these lessons right here and now.
DATE: 2013-11-12
SUBJECT: 1 Peter 2:1 – 17
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
1 PETER 2:1-17 NOTES
- Reminder that Peter is writing specifically to the Jews.
- Laying aside all malice, guile and hypocrisies. Most of us don’t think we are guilty of these things. Important because when we are born again we are new creatures in Christ and have to put off the old ways.
- Malice – Jews thinking that God was going to come to justify them and destroy the Romans (like Christians think today).
- Guile – speaking but not really saying what you mean.
- Hypocrisy – do what I say not as I do.
- Envy – wanting to take what another has for oneself.
- You can’t lay aside something you don’t know you have.
- You have to desire the sincere milk of the word – you are never going to grow and partake if you don’t.
- Why desire it? Because we have tasted of the Lord’s grace.
- Jesus is the living stone – precious. Do you recognize how precious the Lord is?
- Milk – real milk vs. the watered down milk of today. Remember, everything that happens in the natural is a reflection of things in the spiritual. Today you can’t find the pure word preached, all the fat is taken out, it is watered down and called good. How man can think that he can better that which God makes is stupid.
- Watering down the word doesn’t make it better but makes it a lie. Churches today build up the corruptible seed and those who say they are of God speak against (hide) those who bring the incorruptible seed – which is the Gospel.
- If you are looking for others to join, stand and agree with you you are not going to do it. You have to do it because the Lord is precious to you.
- Lively stones, us – made alive.
- Holy priesthood – to Jews odd because only Aaron was the priest.
- Offering spiritual sacrifices: giving up yourself (putting others first, their well-being ahead of your own). Spiritual sacrifice is love, the love of God, going out of your way, out of your comfort zone for others.
- Not confounded, mind blown. Arab’s killing in the name of Allah, they think they’re right. They’re going to be confounded when they die. How more confounded can you get?
- To believers Jesus is precious. To others, he is the stone of stumbling: I think I’m fine, he says I’m not; I think I’m good, he says I’m not. They get offended.
- Storm in the Philippines – more death and destruction than is normally associated with a hurricane. What could have allowed this? The people and the government of the Philippines allowed muslims to come in by force and were taking over the government. One way God could stop it. Is anyone going to stand up and highlight the truth so that people can make a choice?
- Chosen generation – Peter speaking to the Jews at a time when Jerusalem and the temple were being destroyed.
- Royal priesthood – like kings.
- Holy nation – Kingdom of God.
- Peculiarness – nobody quite like them. Jesus was the difference. These Jews had been in darkness and it took a great deal of humility to receive the truth but a great joy because they have been called into the light.
- Not a people – did not have their own nation.
- Alienated from mercy – now through Jesus they had obtained mercy. Not dissimilar to Christians today.
- Requires humility to receive the truth.
- Abstain from fleshly lusts – if you don’t they will lead you to destruction.
- Honest – what you say you mean and what you say you do. They may speak evil of you but let it not be true.
- Submit to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake – this is not saying God sent the kings and governors. Submit as though they are supreme, again it is not saying they are supreme.
- As free – you are not their subjects, you are God’s subject. Diplomats use their immunity to do whatever they want, but we are to be subject unto the country we are in as good ambassadors.
- If their law conflicts with God’s law, obey God, but you will likely be subject to the penalty (Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are examples).
- Example of Lawrence of Arabia who when on a long trek through the desert and one man fell back the muslims said it was God’s will. Lawrence went back for him. When he brought him alive everyone marveled. It opened up the opportunity for him to share many things. An example of preach the Gospel and sometimes use words.
- Honor all men – you can’t honor that which you look down on. You can only honor that which you look up to.
- If we can accept the truth about ourselves we can honor others, take pity on them. They are in darkness and don’t know any better. How can we expect them to see in the light, they don’t have it.
- Love the brethren first.
- Fear God – not motivated to change without fear of God, who is able cast our soul and body into hell.
- Honor the king – his position.
DATE: 2013-11-19
SUBJECT: 1 Peter 2:18 to 1 Peter 3:6
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Phillip Walthall
1 PETER 2:1-18 to 1 Peter 3:6 NOTES
- Servants – examples of servant relationships in today’s world: employee to employer, wives to husbands, children to parents
- Even to the froward – that is thankworthy
- Not because your master is good but because the Lord is good and you look to the Lord for the blessing
- This is how Jesus responded
- When you are grounded and settled in the Lord and your hope is sound it is no longer about you but about him and your desire is that he might come to know the Lord
- Examples: Esther, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, people whose hope was rightly placed
- It is not promised that the master is going to appreciate your service
- We don’t realize what it is going to take to reach a person.
- It is not about us it is about the Lord
- This is what we are called to do, even as Christ did.
- Natural man rejects humility. To do this we have to choose to humble ourselves
- First and foremost for any believer is to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, mind and strength. If our master would have us go against God we do what God wants us to do, but you have to be ready to face the consequences. God will have your back though.
- If you disobey your master in obedience to God, God’s blessings will be upon you. If you are disobedient out of pride, you’ll suffer the consequences
- Each of us has an individual responsibility for our actions
- Holocaust – people ask why God allowed it to happen. Why wouldn’t he? The Jews were not his, they had rejected Christ and what was written would come upon them came upon them. Same applies to all: Jews and Gentiles alike
- Today in America, God is talking but no one is listening. America is no longer a Godly nation. God is trying to wake us up, get our attention with the disasters. Man says it is due to such things as global warming.
- Nazi Germany – God gave man a free will. When man exercises it God gets blamed for it because he did not take away their free will. He would be a tyrant if he did.
- Jesus is the example we are to follow. He gave us the same spirit that directed his steps. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is available to us
- Guile – to deceive. Jesus gave no deceit to anyone.
- He did not threaten
- When reviled he did not revile back
- Father forgive them for they know not what they do. If they knew Christ they would be different
- Jesus committed himself to his Father – this is what it is all about – looking to God. You do what God says regardless of what anyone else says or does
- Jesus himself bore our sins. He did that for us, we can do this for him. If you believe him you do it.
- Jesus already did the work for your healing. You just have to believe it and receive it.
- Jews had gone astray, were off course. But now, these Jews who Peter is writing to have returned by Christ Jesus
- Likewise – in like manner, the same way – wives submit to your husband (just like servants to masters)
- Won by the conversation of the wife. Not telling the husband what to do. It is a manner of life, a lifestyle, your actions, behavior
- Subjection – a person who is dedicated to furthering their husband or master’s business. Few wives are like this. It will be noticeable and appreciated (though not necessarily by the husband or master)
- Abigail’s husband hated her for serving God first. If Abigail had not served God first she would have suffered the same fate as her husband.
- An opposite example is Ananias and Sapphira. Ananias saw how those who sold property and gave the money where lifted up by the people. He sold a piece of property and gave half of the money as though it was all the money and his wife was in agreement with him and did not serve God. She suffered the same fate as her husband.
- Chaste conversation – a life a husband can clearly see is all designed to further him.
- Esther went before her husband unannounced in obedience to God. If her husband had decided to put her to death she was prepared for the consequences
- Woman try to look good to find favor with a man. Let this not be what we do. It is guile, deceit
- What wins a husband is a chaste conversation.
- The only thing that brings union, perfect peace, love, joy is Christ Jesus – nothing else
- Meek and quiet spirit – in the sight of God is of great price. It is an ornament, something beautiful
- A person who is meek does not always think their thoughts are right
- Meek – takes little effort to lead. She will be inclined to do what her husband says vs always having another answer. Not a yes person, it is a person whose commitment is to follow through on obeying verses 1-3 because she loves God. She will want to support him in what he is seeking to do. Not a doormat, a faithful servant of God, a helpmeet to her husband, making him successful
- Holy woman – they trusted God. You have to believe God and trust him. Same call for all
- Sarah called Abraham lord
- Not afraid with any amazement – not moved by fear. You are going to stand and do what is right.
DATE: 2013-12-03
SUBJECT: 1 Peter 3:7-15
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Phillip Walthall
1 PETER 3:7-15 NOTES
- Likewise means: you need to die to yourself and have it be about the Lord and about others before yourself.
- Wives to be toward husbands, husbands likewise are to have that very same attitude as the wives are to have toward their husbands.
- If you are a Christian husband you need to know the Lord and understand how he orders things and walk in that.
- Giving honor unto the wife because she is a person of authority in the household and you are to value what she contributes.
- Weaker vessel: men are weaker vessel in comparison to Jesus. In the same way the wife as compared to the husband is the weaker vessel. Men tend to dump on their wives the things they don’t want to do themselves. Be mindful of what your wife can carry and is built to carry.
- In the garden Eve was deceived and Adam was not. This is a basic difference between men and women. Women first think emotionally, men first think logic. Men are inclined to approach a problem with logic before emotion.
- In things of the Lord this can make her weak in standing. Be patient with them when they’re having trouble.
- The perspective where we don’t judge others for what they have to go through but being patient and loving them, backing off.
- How much patience does the Lord need to exercise with men? Men need to have that same patience with their wives.
- Husbands want God to do all different things. How about doing these things unto their wives. Men have an accountability to the Lord. If we want Him to be there for us we need to be about being there for others.
- Be of one mind: Jesus sets the example of these things, and this is the standard we should be striving for. Get our eyes off one another and press toward the mark.
- Have compassion one for another, we are going to fail. We can’t minister one to another without compassion. We put our heavenly family before other people. It establishes a witness to those without.
- Be pitiful: (tender hearted). When you realize how frail and faulty you are and you know that the Lord has chosen to love and keep you, you aren’t looking from a high and lofty place, you can have compassion toward others because we are the same way.
- Be courteous: be mindful of others.
- Not rendering evil for evil. Do what the Lord would have you do toward them, listen and then minister unto them. That’s our calling in the Lord. If we minister blessing, we will inherit a blessing.
- When we minister, we are being strengthened ourselves, and learning. He doesn’t give these things to us, he gives them for us to give others.
- He that will love life: (life with Christ). if we have the choice we would rather love life than hate it. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
- Refrain tongue from evil: restrain yourself when you want to say something evil. Think about what you are going to say before you respond. Your initial reaction changes over time and you are able to help rather than be hurtful.
- Speak no guile: guile is deceit. Saying you’re joking but it is laced with truth. Say kind words to a person when thinking hateful things but don’t want them to realize it. That is all guile.
- You should mean what you say. Guile is premeditated deception. We do guile without even thinking of it. We want people to think well of us. People are happy to be living in it.
- You should prefer truth. If you love truth you are willing to have your eyes opened to the lies you’ve lived and be thankful for it, because you won’t have to live like that any more.
- Eschew evil: shun it, cast it off. Don’t let it control you. This is a physical act and decision.
- Seek peace with God and ensue it. There is no peace unless you have peace with God first. Then you can have peace with others.
- A way to talk to a self righteous person: tell them their fig leaf is showing. And leave it at that.
- When we do good, it is only through the righteousness of God, not our righteousness. He hears what we have to say. If we have the fig leaf, His face is against you. Then we get indignant, go against the Lord, and seek to justify ourselves.
- If you suffer for righteousness sake happy are ye: no valid excuse to do you harm, but if they do you harm, happy are you anyway because you are counted worthy to be the partakers.
- You have to be sound and secure in your relationship with Jesus. Don’t be moved to unbelief.
- Jesus never doubted the love of the Father one bit through His whole ordeal. When they were stoning Stephen he wasn’t troubled. He didn’t doubt his position with the Lord one bit and the Lord revealed Himself to him in that moment.
- Sanctify the Lord in your hearts: the battle takes place in the mind and is manifest in your heart. People will see a difference in you – it will provoke some to ask you ‘how can you be not be troubled? Afraid?’ You have to be ready always at that moment to give answer.
- You can’t measure by numbers. Jesus Christ was the greatest minister and only had 11. Moses had 2. (Joshua and Caleb). Paul had only a couple of people that stayed with him.
- When we give answer to others the reason of the hope that is in us, we give answer in meekness and fear, toward God.
DATE: 2013-12-10
SUBJECT: 1 Peter 3:16 to 1 Peter 4:7
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
1 PETER 3:16 to 1 Peter 4:7 NOTES
- Good conscience – many Christians go presumptuously in a ‘good conscience’. You need to go to the Lord to be certain you do have a good conscience, then you can stand in it and be ready to give an answer to every man that asks.
- Examples of presumption – picketers of abortion clinics, picketers of the funerals of soldiers. They relish people coming against them but they are actually blaspheming the Word of God. If we are actually going forth and preaching the Gospel and His love, we don’t have time for all that crap. Not a big step between them and Muslims who kill people who don’t agree with them. An imposition of one’s will on another. Christ never does that, he gave us a free will.
- What is the better witness and will bring people closer to believing? Not going to a funeral and cursing the people but, if you go, to pray for them to have peace and grace.
- Paul an example of someone who walked in a good conscience. He wiped the dust off his feet and went to the Gentiles. Could not have done that with God backing him up if it was presumption.
- Leaven of the Pharisees (self-righteousness) and the leaven of Herod (leaven of government) – if we speak either, we are speaking evil.
- Christ (the just) suffered for the us (the unjust)
- Jesus preached to the spirits in prison – speaking of his 3 days in hell. Preached in the torment section, “isn’t this what I told you was going to happen?” Preached to those in Abraham’s bosom – those who had believed for the promise and rose with him.
- The idea of everyone will be saved, a false security. Look at Noah, only 8 souls were saved, all on the faith of 1, Noah. Look at Joshua and Caleb’s testimony.
- Go back to the good conscience, “if I have done wrong show me in a way I can understand. If not, strengthen me to stand.” A lifelong battle.
- Baptism doth save us – baptism of water translated us out of the present darkness, our cursed flesh, and into the body of Christ
- Two principals at work in the world – that of Cain and Abel. Abel offered the acceptable sacrifice (the lamb). Christians offer Jesus as the sacrifice. Cain offered a cursed sacrifice. Our flesh is cursed. If we offer a sacrifice from our cursed flesh God cannot receive it, it is cursed.
- We do not do good to show our righteousness, we do good to show our love of Christ.
- Doing things by the Spirit of God points to God’s glory. Anything of our flesh points to our glory.
- God is One. We are created in his image, we have a body, soul and spirit but are one. So is God, he has a body, soul and spirit which make one.
- Christ suffered for us, are we not willing to suffer for one another?
- Suffer – to turn away from something enticing, you cease from sin. Coming against the things your flesh wants to do, you suffer. The lusts of the flesh are contrary to God. When you do not fulfill them you suffer. When I determine to do what my heavenly Father wants me to do, where is the place for sin?
- Will of the Gentiles – unbelievers, those alienated from Christ.
- Story of the radical Jewish rabbi who would not even turn a light on on the Sabbath. He hired Gentiles to do it. Made him righteous but he didn’t care about the Gentiles. They’re not going to be saved, what does it matter? Many Christians are not far from this.
- Judge the quick and the dead – in the end we are all going to give account to the Lord.
- Great White Throne judgment – those in hell will be judged and those in heaven. The dead and the living are going to stand before God and be judged for their works. Those who lived in the Spirit will be an example to those who are going to be judged and go to hell. Like a neighbor who sees your good conversation, they will be without excuse.
- End of the age – both the end of the age of the law but also the coming of the Lord which the Apostle Paul spoke of in II Thessalonians. Sobers you up. A good dose of fear can clear the mind.
- Watch unto prayer, a scary thing going to God Almighty who is your judge. If you go regularly about your conduct you may be found faulty. It is also extraordinarily rewarding if the Lord is pleased with what you did.
DATE: 2013-12-17
SUBJECT: 1 Peter 4:8-19
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
1 PETER 4:8-19 NOTES
- Fervent charity – always there, never ceases, you can’t let it go out.
- Covering the multitude of sins – long suffering, forbearance, unknown by the other. The result – sin is covered and love is seen.
- Charity sees no evil – when you are walking in charity, walking in grace – you see through the cloud and don’t see others’ faults.
- Hospitality – pleased to have people over, pleased to make them feel at home, a pleasure.
- One to another – give it and receive it.
- The gift – grace. Fits right in with charity because if you are loving one another you are ministering grace one to another.
- As you received – in the same way you receive it, give it. A gift is not something you earn or purchase.
- One to another – referring to the church. Gifts of the Holy Spirit are given for ministry within the church, so none is lacking – have to be willing to receive from your brothers and sisters.
- Oracles of God – speak what God would have you speak.
- The only benefit is to the operation of God. A place of humility you have to come into agreement with.
- Think it not strange – the fiery trials – part of the process, something to rejoice about.
- If you are reproached for the name of Christ – because of the humble, loving walk you walk in Christ. Not the yelling ‘You’re going to hell’ and the picketing of military funerals – they ruin the name of Christ.
- Make sure if you are reproached it is because you are extending that grace and love and preaching the true Gospel.
- Don’t be ashamed if you suffer – you have to be in a place where you stand firm and are ready to give an answer. When you are ashamed you cannot testify.
- Judgment must begin at the house of God. When you pass through the judgment of God it is a fearful thing. Once you pass through you can help others who will pass through.
- Righteous scarcely saved – we are saved by grace and that by faith, nothing to look at in ourselves.
- Scarcely – by the skin of our teeth.
- If you will pass through it you will have more compassion for others, you will want to see them make it through.
- Those who suffer – commit the keeping of your soul unto God and continue to do well.
DATE: 2013-12-24
SUBJECT: 1 Peter 5
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Peter’s conclusion of this book – reminds them of things they already know, holding both them and himself accountable.
- Gives testimony again of his authority over them.
- What good is an elder if he does not feed the flock?
- Elders – the very fact that they are still here (have not departed from the faith/body of Christ) gives a testimony of Jesus. They can then help others go through it. Glad, willing, to help. Not about monetary gain, what they will get.
- Being ensamples – not someone who lords it over others but someone who demonstrates to the younger how it is to be done.
- Growing up – just a matter of accepting responsibility.
- If you have to force people, they’re goats. Sheep are followers. Therefore, if you are a good ensample, and sheep follow – Praise God! If you’re a bad ensample and sheep follow – it is on you.
- Crown of glory – speaking to elders – speaking of authority. If you are faithful you will occupy a position of trust in heaven.
- Likewise ye younger – submit – many people do what an elder says but are not in agreement, waiting for the elder to fall. A person who submits is eager, wanting to learn, they do not see themselves as anything. If you will submit, God will move through the person to minister to you.
- Humble – always looking to learn from all the body.
- Our natural bodies are an example, it needs to listen to all its parts.
- Pride – always tries to cover things up and end’s up not covered (fig leaf like Adam in the garden).
- Humility – doesn’t try to cover sin up and ends up being covered with God’s grace.
- Care – noun – fears, worries, mental anguish – cast all upon him.
- Careth – verb – he will nurture and protect you.
- Be sober & vigilant – because of the adversary the devil (includes all demons (devils) – they do it in the Devil’s name).
- How to resist the devil -Be steadfast (unmovable – cannot be moved from the faith), stubborn (stubborn is only stubbornness when it is against God, when it is for God it is called faith), cleave to the Word of God.
- Need to know the things you go through everyone else goes through.
- God of all grace – all grace comes from God.
- May God make you perfect in him.
- May God stablish you.
- May God strengthen you.
- May God settle you – He cannot break his promise.
- Every attribute of God is perfect.
- Silvanus – also known as Silas – traveled with Paul and became an apostle under Paul’s ministry. He wrote the final 3 verses and testified that what Peter said was the true Grace of God.