HEBREWS Men's Bible Study
Soundcloud Audio from HEBREWS Men's Bible Study
(OCTOBER 28th, 2014 to FEBRUARY 3rd, 2015)
Notes from Men's Bible Study on HEBREWS
DATE: Tuesday 2014-10-28
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Hebrews 1
- God spake by the prophets – God is the author of the Bible. Moses was one of the secretaries who took down the dictation. The Bible is not 66 books but 66 letters written by one author, God, who used 40 secretaries.
- Jesus was another secretary in the same way. Jesus said that there was not a word he spoke that was his own but the word he spoke was the word his Father gave him.
- By whom also he made the worlds – Genesis 1 and John 1. Jesus was and is the Word of God and he is the creator of all we see.
- When he came down from heaven he left his God head and came down, the second Adam. His life was perfect because he walked in perfect obedience to his Father.
- Jesus came down as the Son of God, born of Mary and the Holy Ghost, he was heir, he died. He now inherited the fullness of the Godhead, he now is God.
- Brightness of His glory – the fullness, the light.
- Express image of his person – Jesus is the mold, Adam was the first made in that mold.
- Word of His power – the power to say let there be light, to still the storm.
- Purged our sins – on the cross – his very purpose.
- So much better than the angels (angels – messengers: both men and women and angelic beings). Jesus is the name above all names. The tendency of the Jews to lump Jesus in with the rest of the prophets, the whole world tries to do it, not just the Jews but every unbeliever.
- Unto no one else but Jesus did God say Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee. And that he would be to him a Father and Jesus would be to him a son.
- He maketh his angels spirits – we are reborn of the Spirit, born again of the Spirit.
- He maketh his ministers a flame of fire – the unction from God above, not of the man himself. It was/is the Lord that gives eternal life and makes them flames of fire.
- Smith Wigglesworth said he had completely failed as a minister and the Lord would not let him stay much longer and was dead shortly, because the people did not get it, that they could walk in it likewise. The key is to believe His Word and believe He is able to do things even through someone as messed up and as stupid as you are.
- Unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God is for ever and ever – by inheritance he received the fullness of the Godhead and therefore is God.
- Of righteousness – He does that which is right continuously.
- The scepter of righteousness is not the righteousness of God which is the scepter of Thy Kingdom but is the righteousness of Adam which Christ took back.
- The Father who could keep Jesus from infancy through death can keep us.
- Love righteousness – preferred – it enabled him to walk in perfect obedience to his Father.
- Hated iniquity – i.e. Jesus’ temptation by Satan – Satan was trying to get Jesus to prove himself which would have been pride/iniquity. Jesus was completely unmoved.
- All we have to do is love righteousness and hate iniquity.
Because he did this, everything he passed through was all worth it and is swallowed up in that gladness. - God, thy God (taking out the even which is italicized) – God, Jesus, was anointed with the oil of gladness by His (Jesus’) God.
- The fidelity of the translators of the King James Bible to italicize words that they added (as above) because they did not understand it.
- Thou in the beginning – looks back again to Genesis 1: 1 and John 1, seen very plainly in Job. All that he created, they shall perish but he shall remain. He shall never fail.
- Angels (messengers) in verses 13 & 14 are the prophets (and Godly ministers of the New and even today) we read about in the Old Testament. The whole purpose of those ministers was to point the way to the salvation of God by Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.
- If you want to walk in like power and authority do what they did – point people to the salvation of God by Jesus Christ.
- With Jesus you have to come to one of three determinations: 1 – that he was a liar, a conman and therefore evil, 2 – that he was an idiot who said he was something he wasn’t and therefore set for a straight jacket, or 3 – that he was telling the truth and is actually God.
- Testimony of that which God has called Brother Lawrence to – to have the courage and mindset to believe God no matter what. He will be able to show his brothers in Africa the God the Apostle Paul is talking about and no man will be able to stand against him. One thing you need to understand is you’ve got to love God more than those standing in front of you. You have to fear God and what He thinks of you not those that stand in front of you.
- Fear God and believe God with everything you’ve got and if you love God you’ll take that love and show it toward others and the way you show it to them is by standing in the truth without fear and without reservation. ready at any moment to stand forth in the power and might of Jesus Christ.
DATE: Tuesday 2014-11-04
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Scott Bishop
- Hebrews 2
- Last week went through how God had spoken through the prophets (angels), Jesus being higher.
- More earnest heed – talking about the Gospel, the New Testament.
- Let them slip – we forget about them. Don’t take hold and keep them, things that should guide our lives. It doesn’t have to happen.
- If you want to serve the Lord you have to pay attention to what He says through the Word, prayer & Bible study and the counsel of your authorities. It is an aspect of service that is critical if you want to serve the Lord.
- Word spoken by angels referring to the Old Testament and what happened to those in rebellion i.e. Core and those who stood with him against Moses and the earth swallowed them; Pharaoh and what happened in Egypt.
- What is going to happen to us if we ignore Jesus (neglect so great salvation that the Lord has brought to us).
- It was brought first by Jesus and then by those that heard, includes Paul and all who hear.
- God bears witness. It is all about the Lord, His plan, His miracles. We need to come into agreement with Him.
- Need to realize it’s not we who do the works but He does the works, same testimony as Jesus.
- What is man (Adam) that though art mindful of him. The son of man, the second Adam – Jesus. Is in line with all the Old Testament, the first born rejected, the second born goes forward.
- Crownest him with glory & honor – Adam before the fall. After the fall Adam gave up that authority & Satan became ruler of this world. We see Jesus who we, the seed of Adam, look toward for our hope.
- Grace – the promise of God to raise Jesus up after he became that cursed thing and receive that glory and honor promised.
- Being made perfect through suffering – there was nothing Jesus was not willing to do for us. Perfect unadulterated agape love.
- He that sanctifieth – the Lord. They that are sanctified – us.
- I will declare thy name – Jesus, the name of God.
- Sing praise unto thee – Jesus did this i.e. at the last supper he sang hymns unto God with his disciples.
- The children which God hath given me – because they put their trust in Him.
- By the transgression of one, Adam, so by one, Jesus, destroyed him – the devil. He had to come in the flesh. Adam and Jesus were both brought into the world without sin. They were on equal terms. Adam sinned, Jesus then was the only one who could do it, that perfect sacrifice.
- Seed of Abraham – something of particular importance to the Hebrews, fulfilling the promise of God to Abraham.
- Took not on the nature of angels, referring to angelic beings. He came just like Adam.
- He was tempted in all ways like as we are – He is able to be merciful.
- Faithful high priest because he was perfectly obedient to his Father.
- Succour – able to care for us and bring us through because he knows what it is like.
- So thoroughly proves the character and nature of God is righteous.
- Disproves the idea that God just doesn’t understand. He is righteous and does understand. He gets it. He’s been through it and has his hand out and has that grace ready.
- Grace – He knows plainly that we need it, that’s why He gave it to us.
- He who the Son sets free is truly free. Fear puts you in bondage, fear of death puts you in bondage. Take away the fear of death, you’re free to serve Him any way He wants.
- It is humility that allows you to receive that grace. Pride does not allow it.
- All of this is designed to draw us into His presence if you want to be in His presence. If you want to justify yourself it’s never going to happen.
DATE: Tuesday 2014-11-11
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Scott Bishop
- Hebrews 3
- Holy brethren – he is writing to the Jews. Saying Jesus is the Apostle and High Priest, a new priesthood, not the Levitical priesthood. Paul was uncompromising in that you can’t add Jesus to what had gone before – Jesus was the point of all that had gone before.
- Holy – separated, we are to be separated, on His side, partakers of His heavenly calling, operating in His love. A lot of people are not interested in God’s calling but say they have their own calling and then they go out and tell everyone about it.
- Every anointing starts with Jesus (there are 7 anointings – see Revelation 1). You don’t have your own anointing.
- Moses was a type and shadow of Jesus. He was a servant, Jesus is the Son.
- Levitical priests offered sacrifice. Jesus is that sacrifice.
- Whose house we are – we are his body if we hold forth that confidence i.e. confidence goes beyond faith. We have confidence that a light will go on when we flip that switch. If it didn’t we would be shocked and looking to see why not. We need to have that same confidence in Christ, if we don’t we need to ask ourselves why? We will begin to see our unbelief/motives.
- Uncomfortable position, one that requires humbleness to want the truth.
- Rejoicing of the hope – that rejoicing in what Christ has done.
- Walk of faith has a lot of twists and turns but are critical if we are going to make it to the end.
- Lack of confidence can turn to a great confidence and giving of grace towards others.
- A great hope but a strong warning too.
- Today if you will hear his voice – implies if you hear him hang onto it, make a note of it, don’t let it go.
- God’s ways – when God says a thing He does a thing.
- For God the straw that broke the camel’s back – when the spies came back and said the land was as God had said, but there were giants in the land. Remember, this took place early on in the 40 years.
- Knowing God’s ways was available to them in Moses. You can see the same thing in the church today, churches say you can’t know.
- It is available to us to know.
- So he swore in his wrath – when they believed the evil report. Be warned, we have to fight against unbelief. You need to get to the place where you realize God always keeps his promises so if there is a problem it is in you.
- Exhort one another daily – don’t let a day go by. What do we exhort – to believe God. One way to do this is to let no statement of unbelief stand.
- Be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin – sin lies to you, it tells you it is more powerful than God, it’s stronger than the blood of Jesus, you can’t be saved, God cannot help you.
- You cannot give into this. Our old man is the first born, a sinner from birth to death. It cannot/will not be saved, it cannot receive the inheritance. The second born, the one born of God – this is the one that can be saved.
- So easy to be overtaken by the deceitfulness of sin.
- Don’t tell everyone how bad you are, tell everyone how good God is, even to you who are bad.
- We are made partakes of Christ – something he does.
- If we hold the beginning of our confidence – hold onto that confidence that you had in the beginning to the end. All dependent upon your belief in the ability of God. Got to step out in God’s provision, not our own.
- The Jews held Moses in the highest esteem but those in his presence didn’t believe.
- When you battle against unbelief you’re going to see yourself more like those who did not enter in. Our hope is in ‘we are made partakers’. In this hope we can be reborn, rekindled, strengthened.
- Our cursed flesh cannot believe God. Got to die unto that old guy and choose to put that confidence in Christ and that new man that was created in Him. Believe solely in God and His Word.
DATE: Tuesday 2014-11-18
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Scott Bishop
- Hebrews 4
- Four steps laid out in this chapter for a Christian’s walk.
- Step 1 – Fear: This chapter follows chapter 3 and the children of Israel in the desert. God manifested His power and provision for 40 years even after swearing they would not enter into the promised land. It never caused them to make the transition to stepping out and walking in faith.
- Remember He brought them out of Egypt with a mighty hand – they had no weapons and He destroyed Egypt’s army. But they did not trust Him to take the promised land.
- Let us – Paul referring to the Jews in his time, to those who had accepted Christ.
- Seem to come short of it – comes against any complacency that you have arrived. We are to have this fear constantly.
- Continue to press forward and never stop.
- The Gospel was preached to those with Moses in the desert. The Gospel has always been there – even back in the Garden of Eden.
- Once saved always saved or can you lose your salvation – yes to both. It is not God that departs from you but that you depart from God through unbelief. It is unbelief that separates you from the Lord, not your sin.
- Digested – like food – digestive juices break the food down and extract that which is profitable for your body. Same with the Word of God – the digestive juice is faith. If you don’t digest it by faith it will kill you.
- The Word of God is like a fine meal, if you mix it with faith it will do you well and strengthen you, if not, it will kill you because it turns and judges you.
- Sincere milk – for children; strong meat – should be ready for it.
- Rest – when you stop trying to earn it, be worthy of it, deserve it – you let God be God and let God do it. Not trying to establish your own righteousness but take on His righteousness.
- We have extraordinary promises and an extraordinary inheritance. When we refrain in unbelief we fall after the example of those in the desert; when we believe – His promises come to pass.
- Step 2 – Labor: The labor is against unbelief, the idea of having to earn it, rather belief in the sufficiency of what He did. It is a real battle that takes place in your mind. It is about pride and so is painful to fight.
- If you are going to engage in the battle, heal the sick, receive His promises – then you are going to have to deal with issues of unbelief. This victory is critical if you are going to enter into His rest.
- Quick – can bring life.
- Powerful – the Lord moves mightily to minister through a believer unto others.
- Sharper than any two edged sword – weapon – the devil is afraid of it. It brings deliverance.
- Two edged sword – a preacher of the Word is accountable to the Word. Ultimately if you are on the wrong side of that sword it is unto your death.
- Discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart – reveals the motivations of the heart, i.e. baking a cake for a friend – one can do it out of love, the other to show how they are.
- Joints and marrow – joints, what connects the bones together; marrow, what’s inside the bone which makes the blood.
- Sickness can be natural or spiritual. You need to know if a sickness is spiritual or demonic. Just as marrow gives life to the bone, the Spirit gives life.
- Proverbs 3: 5-8
- God sees us as we are. Every bit of fakery and cloak to hide who we are – He sees it. When you realize this and get to that place and relinquish everything, you are thankful that you are accepted in the beloved and just go forward. Thankful that He has received you and has let you be a part of what He is doing.
- Great High Priest – Jesus – so much above any high priest on earth. Note in other churches, i.e. Catholic and Anglican, people look to the priest – not looking to the high priest – Jesus.
- Jesus passed through the veil (Holy of Holies) into the third heaven. When he died the veil of the temple was rent and we can all enter in. Because of this:
- Step 3 – Hold fast your profession: 1 – we profess we believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ, let us hold fast that profession; and 2 – all of us are called to an office – these things we have received we have to walk in and make full proof of that ministry you have been given.
- Our high priest has been touched in every single way we get hit – Jesus was unlike us when tempted – he never became subject to it. But because he was tempted we can come boldly before the throne of grace.
- Throne of grace – it is what covers our sin.
- Feeling of our infirmities – He paid for all that by the stripes on his back, every disease, every sickness. With every temptation he went through he went through it all without sin.
- We can come unto him because he loves us and understands what we go through. He understands all of it. He is there to be a solution to the problem. His hand is outstretched.
- His ministers, who have been tried and found true – not tried and found true without passing through a whole lot of experiences. So they know and they know it was not them who got them out of it but God who got them out of it. So when they extend their hand it is actually that hand of grace to help you out of it.
- Step 4 – Come boldly unto the throne of grace: a recognition you belong there because you believe God and believe his blood is sufficient. To receive mercy you know you are guilty, come to the throne of grace to help.
- He is beautiful for every situation – doesn’t matter how you got there. Come boldly for that mercy and grace to help in time of need.
DATE: Tuesday 2014-12-02
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Scott Bishop
- Hebrews 5
- Chapter 4 finishes with Jesus being the great high priest. He knows us, he loves us even though we have the problems we have.
- The Jews knew high priests – Aaron being the first, taken from men but ordained by God. The purpose of the high priest is to minister to us.
- You see how a high priest should be – compassionate on the ignorant (those who don’t know), on those who fall out of the way (knowing he too can fall).
- My grace is sufficient – when you can stand in that grace you can have compassion.
- No one can appoint himself unto this position, God appoints.
- Christ never was about glorifying himself, he was always about glorifying the Father. Jesus shared in his Father’s glory. So also should we do, always glorifying Jesus, we then partake of his divine nature.
- Thou art my Son, this is God speaking, an Old Testament prophecy concerning Jesus.
- Melchisedec – speaks to the new order of high priest – Jesus was not of the tribe of Levi, the priestly tribe, but of Judah.
- Melchisedec – King of Salem – Salem meaning Peace – who was Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedec as there was no one greater on the earth.
- The days of his flesh – Jesus when he came to earth as a man. Speaking of the time in the Garden of Gethsemane – Jesus crying unto his Father.
- His Father heard him because he feared. He was going to do whatever the Father told him.
- Even though he was a son he learned obedience through the things he suffered.
- We learn obedience by obeying those things we are to do which are contrary to our nature.
- Hard to be uttered because people are dull of hearing. Some don’t want to hear.
- People recognize there is an accountability when God speaks. People easily disregard the person God sends and don’t know they are just as accountable.
- Ought to be teachers – speaking to people who had been Christians for some time but now need someone to teach them the first principles – the Gospel.
- Gives them milk as they are not ready for strong meat. They received the Gospel but bulked at the responsibility of faith. Got to repent, get it right and go forward else Jesus’ sacrifice will be for naught to you.
- Using milk – a babe has little knowledge – why we have parents who teach us. In a new Christian it is understandable, an old Christian it is deadly.
- Strong meat for adults – them of full age. Every Christian is to graduate and take their position in one of the five ministries: apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher.
- Need to want to take the strong meat.
- Full age – those who have exercised their spiritual senses. Your spiritual senses need to become as acute as your natural senses.
- Discern both good and evil – you’re going to know if something is of God. You will be in a better place to know what to do in a situation.
DATE: Tuesday 2014-12-09
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Scott Bishop
- Hebrews 6
- Chapter 5 ends with the Hebrews not having digested the Gospel.
- Concept of perfection – comes up a number of times: Jesus commanded his disciples, Paul. Critical, important – every single Christian is to do.
- Perfection – our love of God and faith and confidence in Him and His ability.
- Not laying again – we should already get it.
- Dead works – justifying ourselves, trying to keep the law, following the traditions of the law.
- Repenting – going away from the dead works, not doing it again.
- Paul wants to move on but they are not able to bear it.
- Moving forward but not going to stop doing these principles.
- Enlightened – when you are born again.
- Tasted – of Jesus the bread of life.
- In heaven there is no more grace.
- Commonly taught in churches that once you get to heaven you are perfect. Your body is but you are still you.
- Powers of the world to come – New heaven and new earth – the promise of God to the saints. Once there, there is no more repentance.
- Falling into sin, giving way to the lust of the flesh – the manner in which we get perfected in Christ Jesus and our confidence in Him.
- Beareth thorns and briers is rejected – parable of the seed and sower (Matthew 13).
- What holds people back – fear (most of it relating to looking at yourself and not at God) and money, (if I just had money I could do it).
- Persuaded better things – not withstanding these things, Paul has a better hope (in the Lord by His Spirit).
- Labor of love – not lost on the Lord. He wants you to make it. He cannot honor unbelief, only faith. He cannot honor selfishness, only love.
- Slothful – complacent, not taking it for granted. Everyday earnestly contend for the faith.
- Inherit the promises – i.e. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Samuel, Elijah, Moses, Joshua, etc. They are the people whose faith and patience we are to follow. Paul himself is one of them. God had such even today.
- You can see God is with them and they are the inheritors of the promise.
- Everyone of us is to look like them.
- Abraham – Genesis 15 where God promises Abraham of his seed and the promised land. Covenant God made with Abraham.
- Patience – occurred over decades of Abraham’s life.
- Because God could swear by no greater He sware by himself. If it didn’t happen God was going to experience the same thing as that sacrifice that Abraham set forth.
- Today people take oaths as nothing. Example of Lee surrendering to Grant – he took an oath before God, the end of all strife.
- Immutable – the oath and the fulfillment of the oath by Jesus dying on the cross.
- Impossible for God to lie – this was not going to move, they could count on it.
- Place of refuge – a battle raging around you, you can stand in that strong consolation.
- Lay hold on – that we can have confidence and move on. It is His promise that we can go onto perfection.
- Flesh is corrupt.
- Our new man, our reborn soul and spirit can and needs to go onto perfection.
- Hope – anchor of our soul because our flesh never changes.
- That hope will go the distance.
- New priesthood – the Levitical priesthood is gone forever. Our new priest is Jesus Christ himself, our high priest. He makes intercession for us. His sacrifice is sufficient.
- Thorns – fear and the love of money. People today say they have to have money to do the work of God. “Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have I give thee: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” Acts 3:6.
- The more dependent on Christ you are for everything the more you are able to walk in the power. If we’re looking for lots of money so we can do whatever we want them forget about doing the works of God. But if you want to do the works of God, be satisfied with your daily bread and we have enough money that God gives us to do what we need to do day by day. Then we can rely on His power to do everything He does.
DATE: Tuesday 2014-12-16
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Scott Bishop
- Hebrews 7
- …
DATE: Tuesday 2014-12-23
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Scott Bishop
- Hebrews 8
- …
DATE: Tuesday 2014-12-30
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Scott Bishop
- Hebrews 9
DATE: Tuesday 2015-01-06
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Scott Bishop
- Phillip Walthall
- Hebrews 10
- Shadow of things to come – saying if you are doing things after the pattern it doesn’t have the same effect as the actual thing.
- Conscience being purged – free from the guilt of sin.
- The Hebrews had the law and the sacrifice – they thought it made them better than others. The motives behind their sacrifices were wrong.
- To do thy will O God – Jesus.
- Taketh away the first – Hebrews tried to combine the law and the Gospel. He got rid of the old to establish the new.
- Every Jew that thinks they are practicing the law and every Christian that thinks they are keeping the law are breaking it. The central part of the law was the sacrifice in the Temple. There is no Temple anymore – that is how God took it out of the way.
- Once for all – no going back to the law.
- When you say you’re not good enough you are saying your evil is greater than His good.
- Jesus is seated at the right hand of God which is where we are if we believe Him.
- Perfected forever – His blood is sufficient to perfect you forever if you are sanctified. Sanctification takes place when you receive that sacrifice of His blood and what it does. The qualification is the blood of Jesus Christ – you just have to believe it.
- After those days – after Christ’s sacrifice – Jesus will write his laws on those who are sanctified’s hearts and minds. He’s not going to hold their sins and iniquities against them. We have to stand in this. If we don’t we draw back.
- Remission – forgiveness or pardon – no more criminal record. You’ve been forgiven and can do the will of God.
- Holiest – His flesh, His body. We can walk there, talk with God there, receive guidance, He’s willing to teach us.
- True heart – believing heart.
- Evil conscience – works righteousness.
- Bodies washed with pure water – Holy Spirit washing our new body. The Word is the detergent, the Holy Spirit is the water.
- Now, hold fast that profession of faith. Most have had the experience, but you have to hold fast, don’t let unbelief have any place.
- Unbelief does not depart on its own – you choose to believe and put it off.
- Why – because He is faithful who has promised.
- You’ve got to choose to forsake not fellowship. Have to provoke one another in this.
- Why – because the day is approaching when that perfect man stands up and ministers, that church of Philadelphia.
- Sin willfully – those who forsake the assembly with those who believe the Gospel.
- Call to remembrance – have to do when you get into places of doubt and unbelief, have to call back to remembrance those things you know.
- Davy’s reflections on his ministry – every single instance when God’s power was mighty the people who were with him were one.
- After – you have to have patience.
- Christ will come, it is going to happen.
- The just, those justified by Christ, shall live by faith.
DATE: Tuesday 2015-01-13
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Scott Bishop
- Hebrews 11:1-22
- Faith – a substance/tangible.
- The very existence of faith is the evidence of God and only found in humans.
- Verse 3 – God exercising His faith – the creation and everything we see came from things which did not exist.
- Man thinks he can create – man cannot create anything. To create a thing you have to create a thing out of nothing that is. God didn’t use any pre-existing thing to create the worlds.
- It doesn’t matter if they use the Big Bang theory, evolution, etc. – they take something to make something. Verse 3 says the world was made of things not seen.
- Abel – Adam’s child – the beginning. Enoch, the 7th from Adam, etc. Shows it has been always about faith.
- Abel made sacrifice to God who he could not see, he was obedient to his father, Adam.
- God’s approval of those who walk by faith is evident.
- Enoch pleased God. What is it that pleased God? His faith because it is impossible to please God without faith.
- You have to believe that God is, step out in faith – He will meet you.
- Diligently seek Him – He is that treasure.
- God will do what He says he will do. He is the only sure choice. He has the perfect track record.
- Diligently seeking Him – we know the Gospel is true through experience. We also have had times when we say “where is God”. We want God to prove himself rather than exercising faith.
- Many people pray for healing wanting God to prove He loves them. When they do not receive healing they blame God not knowing it is their unbelief – hoping rather than believing.
- Christians of the valley (i.e. Lot), easy. Christians of the mountains go through difficulties. If you want to find God you have to climb that mountain. You don’t walk in the faith of these people without climbing the mountain.
- In the beginning (second earth) God separated the waters. The waters beneath were trapped beneath the earth – that was where the mist that came up and watered the earth. Everyone could see the waters above the earth. You can see why Noah was terrified when God said He was going to bring it all down. You can see why Noah was moved with fear.
- By Noah building the ark and obeying God the world was condemned. It was Noah who condemned the world by building the ark and became the heir of righteousness by faith.
- New Jerusalem, that city Abraham looked for. We see he found that city seen when he paid tithes to Melchisedec, Prince of Salem – Jesus.
- When the Lord called Sarah on her laughing she knew He knew what He was talking about.
- Abraham believed not seeing the fulfillment of God’s promise. God wants us all to have the same type of faith as Abraham had.
- Persuaded – they believed them, they confessed them.
- You cannot look at this as your home, the more you look at this as your home the less you are going to press unto Him. This is just the place we are to sojourn and pass through to get to that place we are seeking.
- Mindful of that country from whence they came out – the children of Israel coming out of Egypt. God was ashamed to be called their God. The ones who He was pleased to be called their God are the ones who took the promised land. You have to set your face forward and not look back.
- Bit of hope to those who have put their hand to the plow and looked back – not fit also means not ready. Does not mean they cannot enter in, they have to do things to get there (Luke 9:62).
- The covenant God made with Abraham showed Abraham that God would raise Isaac from the dead. God fulfilled that covenant when Jesus died on the cross. When Abraham offered Isaac there was a better sacrifice. When God offered Jesus there was no better sacrifice.
- Isaac, Jacob, Joseph – they had respect for the promise given to Abraham.
DATE: Tuesday 2015-01-20
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Phillip Walthall
- Hebrews 11:23 to end
- …
DATE: Tuesday 2015-01-27
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Scott Bishop
- Hebrews 12
- …
DATE: Tuesday 2015-02-03
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Scott Bishop
- Hebrews 13
- Brotherly love – Philadelphia, the type that flows from agape through the Body of Christ.
- Brotherly love – commitment.
- Entertain strangers – angels here is angelos referring to an apostle or messenger of God, many entertained them without even knowing it.
- Remember them who are in bonds – speaking of believers that are in bonds for the Gospel’s sake, support them. Care for them in like manner as you would care for yourself.
- Bed undefiled – grace given in marriages with an unbeliever where they can trust the Lord.
- God will judge, don’t think he won’t.
- Conversation – manner of life – be free of covetousness, not being influenced by it. Can only do this if you are content with what things that you have.
- Being content – if you see everything you have as being better than you deserve you will be content. If you think you deserve better you will not be.
- Be content, rest in the promise of God that He will never leave you or forsake you. A confidence in God that will enable you to speak that with boldness, unshakeable in The Faith. This is the place we want to walk in, it moves the listeners (i.e. Paul’s conversation with King Agrippa)
- Remember – support – those who have the rule over you, those who have spoken unto you the word of God, spoken the oracles of God.
- Important to take this verse in context. This does not speak of those who speak a perverted Gospel (many will come in my name saying I am Christ but I never knew them).
- Consider the end of their conversation – they walk in faith, perform the works of God, not the works of the law. Walk in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.
- This shows you the end of their conversation, that they are going to go home to be with Him.
- Jesus Christ – the same yesterday, today and forever – people always trying to change Jesus to what they think he should be. Jesus has never changed in anyway. In Hebrews 11 Paul shows this, from Abel onward.
- Do not be carried away – new things. i.e. needing to eat organic, can’t smoke cigarettes, exercise to be healthy, etc. Christians have been carried away with these things. They miss the most important thing – that the heart be established with grace.
- You are going to die because the wages of sin is death.
- Heart being established by grace – you have to first acknowledge you are a sinner and then believe that the blood of Jesus washes your soul clean.
- Meats also refer to the sacrifices – the temple sacrifice, the Levitical priesthood. All these things made the Jews think they were better than others.
- Those who serve the tabernacle, the law – they do not get to partake of Jesus. He is saying go outside the camp, bearing Christ’s reproach.
- We get to partake of the sacrifice of Jesus and his blood. Telling the Hebrews to separate themselves, this was their weak point, trying to add Jesus to the law. As soon as you do put off the law you are a reproach.
- Jesus is the sacrifice that does it, that cleanses you. If you continue to do the others (anything that justifies yourself) you are denying Christ, denying his sacrifice. Every other sacrifice you make is nothing but vanity and pride.
- Jerusalem was everything to the Jews, Paul is saying we have no continuing city but seek one to come, New Jerusalem. Jerusalem is nothing, it is going to be judged. Jerusalem had become an idol.
- Sacrifices pleasing to God: sacrifice of praise (sometime you will not feel like it, suffering as described earlier in the chapter).
- Communicate – tithes, offerings and alms.
- Do good – even to those who are around us, even those who do evil to us.
- Obey – those who have ministered unto you the word of God (as in verse 7).
- Submit yourself – yield to them, lay down your own knowledge. Really embrace them as being right, recognizing they know better than you.
- They also watch for your soul, the destination of your soul, the condition of your soul.
- When you realize you can be cast out of heaven knowing someone is watching for your soul is a comfort. They can watch because they know Jesus. They then give account to Jesus. If they give it with joy it is profitable for you, means you submitted, if it is with grief it is because it is unprofitable.
- If man does not know his own heart, who are you to judge such a matter.
- If God has shown his approval of someone who has the rule why do you put them off.
- Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, stubbornness as iniquity and idolatry, in other words, you are your own God, not Jesus.
- Good conscience – Paul knows people speak evil of him.
- God of Peace – God the Father
- Lord Jesus – the Great Shepherd
- Let him, Jesus, make you perfect.
- Perfect – fit to accomplish everything that is in accordance with His will.
- To do His will – He is able to accomplish it in those who will submit to Him. Submission to those who have the rule over you is critical to this.
- Submission is why you glory in Him, in what He has done in you. He fixes you, you were broken.
- Suffer – endure, allow, receive it. Paul realizes some of the things he has said are hard for the Hebrews.
- Salute them that have the rule over you – important because Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles but was a Hebrew. Here Paul is recognizing those who have the authority over them.
- Grace be with you – Paul is extending grace unto the Hebrew church.