2011 from JULY 5th, 2011 to AUGUST 16th, 2011 and 2014 from APRIL 22nd, 2014 to MAY 27th, 2014
GALATIANS 2011 Men's Bible Study
Soundcloud Audio from GALATIANS 2011 Men's Bible Study
(JULY 5th, 2011 to AUGUST 16th, 2011)
GALATIANS 2014 Men's Bible Study
Soundcloud Audio from GALATIANS 2014 Men's Bible Study
(APRIL 22nd, 2014 to MAY 27th, 2014)
Notes from Men's Bible Study on GALATIANS
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Charles Hocker
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Phillip Walthall
- Scott Bishop
- Paul was an apostle not of men or by men, but by Jesus Christ. It is part of the administration of Jesus Christ.
- Paul, like the eleven, was one whom God gave to Jesus Christ.
- Letter was from Paul and the brethren, they joined themselves to what Paul was saying.
- Paul extended grace and peace in his authority as an apostle.
- Might be delivered from this present evil world – Jesus has done what it takes but it is our choice to receive it.
- Jesus delivered himself for our sins. We are no better, we must walk in that place in humility, then you are grateful to God.
- Being in Jesus and walking in Him. The secret is to know the cloak he gives is the righteousness of God, not ours. The armor He gives us is His, not ours. You have to have the constant state of mind that you are living in Him.
- Gospel is all about the grace of God that covers our sin. Other Gospel’s try to cover sin and make that which is cursed righteous.
- Two things can remove you: 1 – self-righteousness/works righteousness, and 2 – removing yourself from fellowship. There are two laws God gave us to do. It is all about him, you’re a sinner, you need His grace and His mercy. Then it is easy to love others because you are in the same boat as them. So you extend grace and mercy to them and you store up grace and mercy for yourself to draw on.
- Jewelers’ tumbler – take a diamond in the rough which can only be polished by another diamond. Put it in a tumbler with other diamonds and they grind one another. A diamond is known for its fire. The minister’s of God are ministers of fire. The grinding doesn’t feel good but you have to stay in that tumbler to become a minister of fire.
- The tumbler only grinds the diamonds, every lesser rock is ground to nothing.
- The only way we could be saved is by grace. When you realize that you have compassion on others.
- Our sin nature, in the Lord, is what enables us to minister in compassion. Self-righteousness never ministers in this.
- Those who preach any other Gospel are cursed and God is not with them.
- If you’re going to please men you are not a servant of God. You are to love and exhort men. Sometimes they will hate you for it.
- When you love God more than yourself it becomes easy.
- Paul was taught by Jesus, God opened it up to Paul. He got it the same way Moses got the first five books of the Bible.
- The revelation of God is important, more so today than then.
- As then, God still reveals His Gospel to His apostles.
- God knows exactly how to make known His Word and how to preserve it, even when all of that generation reject it like Jeremiah in his generation.
- Galatians were Gentile believers who were being told by so-called Jewish believers a false Gospel. Paul said don’t listen to them.
- He did not even go to any of the other Apostles – Paul is laying out God’s call and revelation to him had nothing to do with anyone else.
- After three years he went up and saw only Peter and James, the Lord’s brother. Did not see anyone else.
- The Jews did not know Paul by face but rejoiced and glorified God in him. It was praise worthy and they rejoiced.
- It is a temptation to begrudge another who has the Lord, something you’ve got to put off. A person going forward in the Lord should be an encouragement to us.
- Remember the call is by grace.
- This trip is the one you read about in Acts 15.
- After Paul’s first missionary journey Jews began to preach that both Jew and Gentile believers had to keep the law.
- False brethren – what Jesus said, “Many shall come in my name saying I am the Christ.” Their purpose was to bring people back into bondage.
- Worst blasphemy was they tried to get people to go back to the temple and sacrifice which would deny the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
- False brethren had places to go everywhere they went. Paul, by contrast, was always starting fresh. This should be a model of behavior with us.
- If you walk as Paul walked, stand firmly in the Gospel, all sorts of crap is going to happen, that is when you see God move.
- All of those together, who had walked with Jesus on the earth, could not add anything to Paul.
- Paul, the little brother to the other Apostles, was the one God used to kick them in the butt.
- Don’t get the idea that if you are going to be of God there is going to be a movement every single day.
- The walk of faith has nothing to do with feelings. You have to step out and trust the Lord every single day. You cannot accurately judge your day, you just have to trust the Lord, not what you feel or think.
- James, Peter and John, what were they going to do? They extended the right hand of fellowship to Paul.
- Effectual – the other Apostles
- Mightily – Paul. A function of Paul’s standing firmly in the Gospel.
- You can see the relationship here with the story of Abraham and Lot. Lot took the green, well watered land. Abraham the mountains, more difficult land. It is the difference between those who are willing to climb the mountain of God rather than the easier way.
- If you want to be where the action is you have to be among those who don’t know Christ.
- Remember the poor – referring to the poor saints back in Jerusalem. They were poor because they did not stand in the pure Word of the Gospel.
- Paul was forward to remember the poor. It testified that the Lord was with Paul and the Gentile believers. It took persecution of the Jews to get them out and about.
- Psalm 37: 25 – I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, no his seed begging bread. Singular – Prophetic. The righteous being Christ, his seed – those who believe on Him.
- It takes faith, obedience and love. These three are an example of the trinity: love – for God so loved the world; faith – Christ obeyed His Father, obedience – the Holy Spirit does what he is told to do.
- Paul, alone, the only Jew standing, withstood Peter and all the other Jews to their face.
- It is Jesus’ faith and the sufficiency of what He did on that cross by which we are saved.
- Works of the law are performed in the flesh, the flesh is cursed, even if you keep the law you are cursed.
- People who keep the law – they fill up the full measure of pride.
- A true Christian understands how unbelievably frail they are before God.
- If I build again the law – I find myself a transgressor again.
- Reckon ourselves dead to that old guy (the flesh). The alive part of us is our soul and spirit that lives in Christ.
- Paul lived by Christ’s faith.
- Frustrate the grace – go back trying to establish the law.
- If we can be righteous by the law Christ’s perfect, sinless life and its sacrifice would have been meaningless.
- Christ was righteous for us.
- Galatia is in modern day Turkey.
- Evidently set forth – Paul was the one who set it forth in power confirming the Gospel.
- When you turn from the faith of the sufficiency of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ you are in disobedience.
- Bewitched – human nature wants to be accepted, looked at as someone great, part of the sinful nature – pride. It bewitches you to turn to the law. God didn’t give us the law to save us, He gave it to us to show us why we need Jesus. Our flesh bewitches us to turn back to the old way, seeking man’s approval, not God’s approval.
- It is easy to get God’s approval – believe Him.
- Offense of the Gospel – it is all about God and not about man.
- Everyone of us knows we received the baptism of the Spirit by faith, if you received all of this without doing anything, then what is the matter with you?
- Begun in the Spirit – you received Christ by faith, the Spirit by faith – now you’re not good enough? You’re saying the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not good enough. You want to be gods yourself.
- You don’t do miracles by the works of the law, by your own worthiness. You do all by the worthiness of Jesus Christ. This is what Paul taught, this is what he showed them.
- When you try to perfect yourself by the law you’re saying what Jesus Christ did wasn’t good enough, his blood wasn’t sufficient.
- Abraham wasn’t righteous, God took some of His righteousness and put it on Abraham.
- Accounted – like accounting, something in something out. Like going to a fish market with a bucket of old dead fish and getting a bucket of gold. Abraham gave God the bucket of dead fish and God gave him His righteousness.
- Abraham was before the law. Abraham wasn’t righteous until he believed God.
- Children of Abraham – he did not have the law. We can stand in the same place where the law does not have anything to do with us. We can believe the Gospel like faithful Abraham.
- Jesus Christ and Him crucified is the only way to be blessed.
- Any that are of the works of the law are under the curse.
- Jew or Gentile, Christian or not – if you seek to follow the law and do not go to Jerusalem to give blood sacrifice each year you’re not keeping the law. If you’re not doing all things you’re under the curse. We need a way out from that curse. Thanks be to God who made that way through Jesus Christ.
- Angels – those men of God used to bring His word forth.
- Mediator – Jesus.
- The law concludes we’re all under sin, shows us we’re sinners.
- If you be Christ’s then are ye Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. Seed is Christ – if we be in Christ then we are that seed.
- Baptized in Christ – have put on Christ , water baptism, you put Him on by faith.
- Now we are God’s seed. In Christ we are God’s servants and God’s freemen. If you are in Christ Jesus you can walk by faith and do the things Jesus did.
- Just shall live by faith – not a new thing, Paul was quoting from the Old Testament: Habakkuk 2:4, “Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by faith.
- Got to get rid of our concern about how we look to others so we can serve God.
- Those who want to be righteous in themselves will hate you but those who want a way out will love you.
- Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. We didn’t keep it so Christ hung on a tree. When He became a cursed thing He knew that it was the only way to break that curse we are under. And He did it willingly trusting His Father would raise him from the dead.
- The covenant between God and Abraham.
- Abraham’s seed are all those who will be faithful, in like faith of Abraham.
- When we receive that inheritance of the Lord it is to go forth in power in His kingdom.
- The Galatians turned back from what God had given them.
- Adoption – known of God – received into His household.
- Who were no gods – they served people trying to please them so they would do things for them, making gods out of them.
- Standing in the purity of the Gospel without compromise takes strength and courage. You are not going to get positive feedback from people in the world.
- Rather known of God – clearly, if they knew God, they would not be doing what they were doing and coming again into bondage. Goes back to John 17 – what is eternal life? To know Jesus Christ and God the Father. If you know Him you are not going to want to go back again.
- Observe days and months and times and years – 90% of the churches do this because they are alienated from God.
- God wants us to serve Him daily.
- In vain – all Paul had done might have produced nothing. He is writing and yet hopeful they will turn.
- After the flesh – Paul was no different than any of them.
- Have not injured him – they have injured themselves.
- Received him as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus. Paul in Christ Jesus manifested by the power of God the Gospel of Jesus Christ unto these people.
- Where is the blessedness ye spake of – past tense.
- Paul became their enemy because he spoke the truth to them.
- If you know the Lord you recognize the lie.
- If you are not grounded in the Lord you go with zeal to the law.
- When you stand in the truth the folly of the error will be made known.
- We are to be zealous continuously (do all things heartily as unto the Lord) every single day.
- If you will stand in this place knowing God is looking you will be zealous every day.
- Travail in birth till Christ be formed – Paul can see Christ has not been formed in them. He is coming back with the fundamentals.
- Christ being formed in us – we are to be as He was. A place all Christians are to walk in.
- Christian – means like Christ. The promise that any believer can do this. In the flesh we cannot, in the Spirit we can.
- Fight the good fight, labor against unbelief that we can enter into His rest and do the works of God.
- Don’t harden your heart – take it, repent and go forward. Don’t be like the foolish Galatians.
- Jerusalem above is free.
- Abraham and his two sons – one by the flesh in bondage, one by promise – free.
- New Jerusalem is empty, barren. When the church is standing with Jesus waiting for the bride, New Jerusalem, and then enter in, it will be full.
- We stand in the exact same place Isaac was. We struggle to believe this simple truth.
- To be the heir of that same promise we have to believe the same way. Yet the promise of God is the promise of God.
- The Pilgrims embraced that promise.
- Just like Ishmael persecuted Isaac – same as today. Arabs still trying to destroy the Jews. In the spiritual sense, non-believers try to destroy the believer.
- Cast out the bond woman – 1. Put off the flesh & 2. Also refers to those who preach damnable heresies, don’t have fellowship with them, don’t wish them Godspeed, cast them out.
- Children of the free-woman – you have to stand in it. The two are not going to inherit together and cannot stand together.
- Yoke of bondage – the law.
- Liberty – critical for any Christian to stand fast in or you will not be able to receive the inheritance.
- No matter who it is that comes against you in that liberty – don’t give it up.
- If you are justified by the law you are fallen from grace.
- Judging others after the flesh and considering yourself better – everything you preach is the law, not the Gospel.
- Our carnal mind wants something to look at with its eyes – it is called the Pride of Life.
- A person saved by grace – how can they be a hypocrite – they say they are a sinner. It is hopeful to sinners.
- When you’ve fallen from grace you are going to hell,
- Wait for the hope of righteousness – you can see that you are not righteous so you hope.
- When you step out in that hope of righteousness God meets you and you have confidence in that hope, in that grace.
- If you don’t have love you don’t have God because God is love.
- The new creature is born in love so he is going to prefer his heavenly Father. He is going to love his brother, he is going to love his enemies.
- Do you want to walk in the Power of God? If you do you are going to have to love (God’s love).
- Who came first Jesus or Moses? Jesus, the Word, came before Moses. Would it not make sense to obey Jesus rather than Moses?
- Offense of the Gospel – God is good, I am not.
- When Paul spoke a thing it is something worth listening to.
- The only thing that distinguishes a Christian from everyone else in the world is the grace of God. Jesus is the only difference.
- Don’t use the liberty to satisfy the flesh.
- Liberty – an opportunity to walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit of God.
- You cannot love your neighbor with the agape love of God unless you love yourself (your soul, not your flesh) with the agape love of God.
- Why would God bring anyone to you if you don’t have His love?
- Bite and devour – point the finger, misery loves company, try to bring others down.
- The Gospel is there to cover sin, that is what grace is all about.
- Paul is not pointing out their sin but their false doctrine.
- Your flesh and the Spirit of God are completely contrary to each other.
- Jesus did not die to save our flesh, it is under the curse, it is going back to corruption.
- Look at the promises of God, look at what the Word says. Believe it, have a fear of God and press onto that mark.
- We hear being led by the Spirit, we hear walk in the Spirit and you won’t fulfill the lusts of the flesh. This is not saying you’re not going to sin in the flesh. Lust of the flesh seeks to put you back under the law. If you’re walking in the Spirit you’re not going to let that happen.
- That new creature is led of the Spirit, it is not sold under sin. Your soul is cleansed and your spirit reborn – they are not under the law.
- Where is your heart? Your life is going to reflect it. The fruit of the Spirit is love.
- They that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts. This is a violent action. The Kingdom of God is taken by force.
- When you get rid of the vain glory you will be pleased with the opportunities others have.
- Fault – a sin.
- Someone who has fallen in a fault or sin beats themselves up about it already. To restore them is to encourage them that God is a forgiver of sin. His forgiveness is bigger than your sin.
- Sometimes people don’t know they have fallen. Once they see they are out of the way then you can restore them.
- The Spirit of meekness encourages them because you know you will need it yourself one day.
- God’s grace is the most powerful force ever.
- Bear one another’s burdens – you’re looking at the needs of another. Can be prayer, help through finances, taking something off them. Ready to intervene as the Lord would have you intervene.
- Prove your own work – a lot of people take a lot of pride in a ministry or being close to someone in the ministry. If you want to be someone get in the Lord and let him do it through you.
- Need to stand in the faith yourself. Then you will stand and speak in authority and people will hear.
- Every man called to carry his own burden – each of us are called to do something in the Lord.
- Him that is taught, like a student, let him communicate (financial giving) to him that teaches him.
- Don’t be deceived – if you think any other way about this you are wrong.
- Sow to the flesh – it’s all about you – you will reap corruption. You will not receive those blessings you see other people get.
- Sow to the Spirit – you will reap life everlasting.
- It is an honor, a privilege to share with others.
- Whatever you have invest it in Him and He will take care of you.
- Not be weary – in communication, in all things.
- Due season – a passage of time. Like a garden, you plant it but cannot harvest right then. Many things seek to come against those seeds in a garden.
- Faint not – if you give up you may not reap.
- When you pray and ask the Lord for something – immediately seeds of doubt enter in, got to keep it weeded.
- You are going to reap life everlasting if that is what matters to you.
- Fair shew in the flesh –people trying to look good in the flesh and pleasing to others, they try to restrain you to do likewise. They deny Christ by trying to make a fair shew.
- Persecution of the cross – you won’t play that game. There is only one righteous – God. I am not righteous.
- The cross – the vertical piece points towards heaven – God’s will. The horizontal piece represents man’s will which is contrary to God’s will. This is why Jesus hung on it for us. Paul was grateful for it. By it he was saved. He was a living witness of that.
- New creature is what God is interested in. We should be too, first for ourselves and then for others.
- Peace be unto you – to as many as walk by this rule, not to those that are not of this faith.
- Israel of God – those who walk in like faith as Abraham.
- Bear in his body the marks – referring to the many times he was stoned, beaten, thrown in prison, thrown to the beasts, shipwrecked, bit by vipers.
- Grace of Jesus Christ be with your spirit – that spirit man is the new man, that new creature in Christ that is trying to emerge.