ROMANS Men's Bible Study
Soundcloud Audio from ROMANS Men's Bible Study
(AUGUST 7th, 2012 to MARCH 5th, 2013)
Notes from Men's Bible Study on ROMANS
- Richard Eutsler, Sr.
- Steven Atherton
- Paul Muller
- Richard Eutsler, Jr.
- Charles Hocker
- Phillip Walthall
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ROMANS 1:26-32
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ROMANS 5:1-18
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ROMANS 5:19-21 and ROMANS 6
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ROMANS 6:15 to ROMANS 7:6
- Yielding yourself to the Gospel of Grace – God vs to the flesh – it’s our choice.
- Believe “from the heart” the gospel – in doing so we are made free from sin and are become the servants of righteousness.
- “How’d that work out for you?” When in sin, was existence all that great? Rather choose to yield yourself to the spirit.
- The “payment” for working in the flesh is death. The GIFT of God is eternal life.
- Sin shall not have dominion over you and the false doctrine of the catholic church doctrine that says otherwise (Jesus’ blood was only for original sin and you have to pay for your sin).
- Fruit of unrighteousness vs the Fruit of Righteousness.
- Separation from the old is required to receive and be “married” to the new.
- Married to Christ – not as in a “bride” but rather as in two metals being married together to create a 3rd new metal.
- False bride of Christ doctrine.
ROMANS 7:7-25
- You cannot serve God in your flesh because it is an enmity or war with God.
- You can, by faith, choose to serve God with your mind.
- Believing God is bigger than you and your sin.
- Knowing that God is not only able, but that he wants to deliver you.
ROMANS 8:1-17
- Law of God – the sufficiency of the blood of Jesus and of the grace of the Gospel.
- Law of the Spirit of life – not the law of Moses but rather the law that says I trust my God and I trust His word.
- No condemnation gives the freedom to serve God.
- Scriptures prove the firstborn does not receive inheritance, that is why we have to be born a second time (born again).
- Minding the flesh means minding what people think.
- Holiness is not a physical thing. It’s a spiritual attitude towards Christ.
- Replacing the spirit of fear with the spirit of adoption.
- Mistaking physical emotion with the spirit bearing witness.
ROMANS 8:17, John 17
- Law of God – the sufficiency of the blood of Jesus and of the grace of the Gospel.
- God’s holy spirit bears witness with man’s spirit.
- No condemnation is something we stand in by faith.
- Joint heirs with Christ – you are not limited in what the Lord can do through you.
- Our ways are contrary to His ways.
- If you are walking in Christ, you will be treated by the organized Church as he was. That is part of suffering.
- Suffering with Christ – even if your enemies call themselves Christians.
- Disciples prayer – forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
- Praying for others in love.
- Our job is to glorify Christ.
- Joseph’s 13 years of imprisonment were as a day when compared with what the Lord has for us.
- The elect seed are going to do it the easy way or hard way, but they are going to do it.
- The creature is all of the earth, the animals and all that is on it.
- The operation of the curse on all creation.
- The teeth of the curse are pulled because we have hope in Christ. Yet there is hopelessness without Christ.
- Noah’s ark is hope of the covenant of God we have with Christ.
- By putting our faith in Him, we float in the ark.
- We are saved by hope but hope that is seen is not hope, for what a man seeth why does he yet hope for? Stand in hope until the end.
- Salvation is not salvation until the end.
- World War II story about gunnery battery being hit by Japanese and one guy snapped and jumped up and said “it’s getting too hot in here” and jumped overboard. He died. Everyone who stayed where they were, were saved.
- How many times do we, as Christians, jump overboard and get lost?
- Waiting means constant in application or attention, diligent, unceasing and persistent. It is an action. Patience and waiting are not passive.
- Labor against unbelief.
- You do not sin against people, you sin against God.
ROMANS 8:28-39, JUDE 1:1
- Two different groups – those who love God and those who are the called.
- The called are the predestinated elect seed of God.
- God justifies the elect seed.
- God glorifies the elect seed – puts them in situations to point to Christ and that glorifies God the Father.
- Why it took Abraham so long.
- Isaac was not a boy when he was offered up.
- Our flesh is the veil that hid the holy of holies. The elect and those who love God see through the veil.
- Humility lets you see through the veil. Pride keeps it from you.
- Religion is not of God but of man and tends to pride.
- True Christianity is a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and walking in God’s agape love towards your brothers and sisters in Christ and towards them who are without.
- Only sin that cannot be forgiven is pride which is why it needs to be put off.
- There is pride in the flesh, which will always be there, and pride in the spirit which we can and have to overcome with our mind and spirit through Jesus Christ – we are saved by grace.
- Verse 29-39 are speaking about God’s elect but can also be true for those who love God – who made the decision to elect God.
ROMANS 9:1-23
- A continuation from Romans 8 regarding the elect seed of God.
- Many thought Paul was against the Jews – but he had great heaviness of heart for them, was grieved at their rejection of Christ and had a deep desire for Israel to understand the Gospel.
- How lightly Israel took the Word of God, the example given of when Moses was on the mountain receiving the commandments written by God himself and Israel had made an idol and was worshipping it, even knowing God’s presence on the mountain.
- By promise, Isaac is an example. He was not Abraham’s only son, but the only son of promise. We are dependent upon God’s mercy not our merit., which is promised to all who will believe.
- The purpose of God’s election is to clearly manifest the truth so that the seed of Adam can clearly see and make a choice.
- An example is Moses who was raised up to show that Pharoah, the most powerful man on earth, could not withstand the Lord so we can see we have nothing to fear if we trust and believe God.
- God having compassion on who he will have compassion on and mercy on who he will have mercy on is speaking of the elect seed of God. It is envy that makes man consider God’s election unfair.
- If Adam’s seed will hear and believe and endure hardness his choice will be clear not only to others but to God himself in that day when we stand before him.
ROMANS 9:1-24, MATTHEW 13:24-30
- If Paul had prayed to be accursed – he would have been making himself equal to Jesus. If Jesus being accursed for their sakes did not profit them, Paul being accursed would not profit them.
- Modern day Israel is proof that God is able to take care of His people.
- Philistines a very idolatrous people – they took the ark of the covenant thinking it created the blessing – but it is God who brought the blessing.
- It is not those born in the flesh who are Abraham’s seed but those born in the spirit.
- The Bible clearly testifies that it is never the firstborn who receives the inheritance – it is the second born i.e. Jacob and Esau; those who were brought out of Egypt, they died but the second born (generation) entered in. Our flesh, the first born, does not enter in, our spirit can through the promise, which is the Gospel.
- Parable of the wheat and the tares: the field is Adam, there are two seeds, wheat and tares. The wheat is the seed of God and the tares are the seed of satan. Applying it to Romans 9: 13, Rebecca being the field, Jacob have I loved (wheat) and Esau have I hated (tare).
- In the beginning God created all things. Created is the word bara – perfect – had people and everything. Lucifer (read Ezekiel 28 to see what he looked like) rebelled and was cast down in the presence of all. Pharisees in Jesus’ time and the ministers in the pulpits today are like Lucifer, all about looking good.
- Those who rejected Christ and sided with Lucifer are the seed of Satan. Those who remained faithful to God are the seed of God.
- Death had not yet been created but was created when Adam sinned (satan, Eve and Adam) Now you can understand why the word says it is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment. God is the creator, satan can only counterfeit that which God created. Reincarnation is an example – die, born, die again, etc.
- Child of God (elect seed) always turn to God, child of satan (elect seed of satan) always turn to the comforts of the earth.
- Seed of Adam is the prize, the battle is for them. They can receive God through the Gospel, be grafted in, and share in the promises and things of God like the elect seed of God.
- It is the love of God to have the elect seed for Adam’s sake. If not, it would all be left up to chance.
- God requires the seed of Adam to hear the Word at the seed of God’s mouth.
- God will have mercy on who He will (seed of God) and will hardeneth who He will (seed of satan).
- In verse 23 – who knows how long God endured with long suffering those who came against him and sided with satan so that He could use them righteously for the sake of His seed and the seed of Adam.
- Vessels unto honour – seed of God.
- Vessels unto dishonor – seed of satan.
- Elijah the only prophet not pre-ordained seed of God.
- The elect seed of God are both Jews and Gentiles.
ROMANS 9:25-33
- God has an election/elect seed (see John 17).
- Seed of Adam can elect God – has a choice – free will.
- Understanding this shows you the love and righteousness of God, you humble yourself to God’s line of authority.
- King Cyrus of Persia is an example of a seed of God who was not a Jew.
- God will call them a people who were not his people and her beloved – her being the city the people lived in – beloved because of the people.
- Discussion and examples of the workings of God through his seed and the seed of Adam who hear and believe.
- Israel sought salvation by the law, not by faith.
- By contrast, King David saw through the law and the prophets the promise of a savior – that is what saved him.
- The stumblingstone always shows us as not righteous.
- God is going to restore Israel – for it to happen the Gentile church has to come to the same place as the Jewish church was in at the time of Jesus.
- A lot of people do works thinking God owes them salvation.
- Jesus is the stumblingstone because the Gospel justifies God, not man. Therefore those who see themselves as righteous cannot receive the Gospel. It is only those who know that they are not righteous who can receive because they recognize that they need a Savior.
- Jesus wants to hear, “my faith and trust is in you and the sufficiency of your blood”.
- Got to come to the place where you don’t just trust the Lord will do it or just hope the Lord will do it – but rather you know the Lord will do it.
- Start your day praying that the Lord put His words in your mouth that he wants you to speak and direct your footsteps in the way He wants you to go.
- An example of this kind of faith is Paul and Silas who, when thrown into prison praised God and the fruit was the salvation of the jailer and his house – there would have been no other way for the jailer and his household to be saved.
- A time of questions from the chat and answers on subjects such as healing, deliverance and reasons for illness and demonic possession.
ROMANS 10:1-20
- Paul’s desire, contrary to what many say, is that Israel might be saved.
- God’s righteousness is Jesus.
- The extraordinary grace in which Samson stood.
- People say all religion is the same – this is because they all go after the righteousness of the law.
- If you are going to live by the law you cannot break it ever or else you no longer live – but die.
- Professional religionism – the whole idea is to elevate the ministers so the people think they cannot get it right without them.
- Unless you believe in the power of God to change you – how then can you be saved?
- Most people think the change God works in a believer is going to take place in the flesh so they judge it in accordance with the law.
- Do you believe not only in what God said (past tense) but what He is saying (present tense).
- A self-righteous religious person does not want to see the miracles of God because then it would be required of them.
- There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek, or the Gentiles, or the Arabs or the Arian German – no difference. It does not matter what color you are or what country you come from because Jesus is rich to come to the aid of anyone who calls upon Him. God is big enough and His mercy is large enough to save anyone, even the greatest sinner.
- Whosoever shall call upon – to take the surname of.
- How shall they be sent – God sends but he expects his people to support or pay for them to go.
- Disobedient – a person who will not allow themselves to be persuaded.
- Gainsaying – to contradict, speak against and do it in a fashion to put the other down.
- Their sound went into all the earth – the sound here is reputation, stories, hearsays – went out through all the earth.
- Their words – the actual words went into Israel’s political sphere – at the time of Christ is was the Roman empire.
ROMANS 10:17 to ROMANS 11:23
- The Word of God is easy to understand. A proud and rebellious person God is not going to reveal his word to. Their pride and rebellion cut off the flow.
- To gainsay is to answer back, undermine.
- Chapter 11 verse one is speaking of Israel, verse two is speaking God’s elect seed, verse four – the 7,000 men are also God’s elect seed and verse five, the remnant are God’s elect seed.
- It either all about grace or all about works, there is no in between, it is either one or the other.
- If Jesus himself claimed to do nothing but what his Father in heaven told him to do, who are you to be able to do some work of yourself?
- Part of God’s judgment of Israel is they were blinded.
- The election obtained it so they could bring it to others.
- The Gentile church is now as Israel was in the time of Jesus.
- The church then and now do not preach that it is God’s way not our way. If we serve God with our feelings we are not serving God. You serve God by choice, he is the first and the last and everything in between, anything less and you are not his.
- Israel’s fall was to the salvation of the Gentiles and also to provoke Israel to jealousy that some might be saved. The Gentiles were ungodly but God’s grace was upon them, etc. All this while Israel’s world was falling apart.
- When David fell he accepted God’s judgment and saw it as just. Daniel, Ezra and those who went into captivity also saw the judgment of God as just.
- Paul magnified his office by boldly stating that he was the apostle to the Gentiles. An important thing to do, you could ignore what others said but not what Paul said.
- As a wild olive branch we partake of the root and so are healthy. Where then is boasting? If the natural branch was cut off due to unbelief we need to fear lest we too are cutoff. This fear is not comfortable but is safe.
- It is a fulcrum, the point between two other points, one point is faith in God’s Word and the choice to believe it, the other is unbelief. If you believe against all odds then you will stand, if you don’t you will fall.
- God used Paul to make it harder as you had to get past his outward appearance to hear and see what God said through him.
ROMANS 11:25-26, REVELATION 12:12-17, PSALM 24:1, JAMES 1:17
- The blindness of Israel was in part until the fullness of the Gentiles come in. The other side of the fullness of the Gentiles coming in is the fact that they come full circle and do the same thing Israel did – falling away from the Gospel and its sufficiency.
- The Jews, like Christians nowadays, were looking for Jesus to come and justify them. They were not looking for a savior because they saw themselves as good and acceptable. This is just like most Christians today.
- The Deliverer of verse 26 of Romans 11 refers to Jesus in Revelation 12: 12-17. In the middle of the tribulation three things occur, the catching away of the 144,000, the casting out of Satan from heaven (he has access to the throne of God now, accusing the saints) but in the middle of the tribulation he is cast out and has no more access to God and gets angry and the two prophets.. The first half of the tribulation everyone thinks is great but Satan gets vicious after being cast out.
- What is meant by verse 29, the gifts and calling of God are without repentance is simply that God doesn’t change his mind.
- Christians today, like Israel at the time of the book of Romans, think it is all about them. The religious people of today reject the true Gospel and say it is not the truth.
- If you are going to be a true follower of God and be his servant on this earth you will be hated, it is just the way it is and you have to come to terms with this. The churches and the world are more than happy to raise a person’s self-esteem, it gets them more people and more money. The scripture says you can’t be a friend of the world and a friend of God.
- In the same way we have obtained mercy let us have mercy for the Jews that they may obtain mercy.
- We need to get past our pride as though we have something to give God. Rather we need to recognize our need for him. If we are going to give anything to God we have to understand that it is all something we have received from him in the first place. The best gift we can give him is our faith, love and devotion. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1), God even gives us the will to do his will, and it is his faith, etc. – all good things come down from the Father of Lights (James 1:17)
- A discussion on tithing, the purpose of the offering and alms giving. The scriptural ratio of minister to those he ministers to and the call to graduate and become a minister.
ROMANS 12:1-17
- Mercies of God – make your bodies a living sacrifice – deny your flesh and be acceptable unto God.
- Be in this world but not conformed to it. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, where the battle takes place. Christians are brainwashed by the blood of the Lamb. It sheds light on non-believers that they aren’t doing things right.
- Don’t think of yourself as something. Recognize you’re undeserving. There is only one measure of faith. We need to put all of our faith in God and take it back from the other places we have placed it.
- Christians who are not committed to the Body of Christ are not Christians, they are committed to themselves.
- Show mercy with cheerfulness. If not it’s about you and is not helpful to that person. You should be pleased to do it.
- Let love be without dissimulation: Dissimulation means separate, take apart, scatter, spread apart – avoid fellowship, separate yourself from the body and say you love others at the same time. This is being two-faced.
- Prefer the members of the Body of Christ to anyone else. Be kindly affectioned – prone or minded to know what is going on with others because it is important to you. Prefer others to yourself.
- If a name comes up in your mind, pray for that person. If not, you are not serving the Lord or your brother.
- Do we think what others do to us will send them to hell? We need to rethink this. We go to hell because of what we don’t do for the Lord.
- Rejoice and weep means to share in your brother’s joy and despair. Put yourself in their shoes, have empathy, help bring them out.
- Being wise in your own conceits is not hearing you are wrong, never listening to others and interrupting before they are done speaking.
- Story about coming against your boss and tearing him down, and getting fired, afterward being told that if you always lift up your boss, that when he gets promoted, he’ll lift you up with him. The parallel of that worldly story with the Word of God.
ROMANS 12:18 to ROMANS 13:7
- People today in the churches are alienated from God’s service. Show those in the world courtesy as you would like to have shown to you. It’s not our job to tell others how to live. Pray for them.
- There are 3 steps: Child of God, Servant of God, and Friend of God. If God would defend His child and His servant, how much more would He defend His friend.
- We are called to be a minister, not just a believer. Mark says go and teach all nations and preach the gospel. But we must first learn how to be obedient in Him.
- Heaping coals of fire upon a person’s head: he wonders why you’re doing nice things to him and sees his own sin so he can repent. If he still refuses to be corrected by this the Lord can then judge him, as with Pharaoh.
- The soul is subject unto the higher powers, not the fleshly body, which is subject unto the earthly powers. The higher powers are the church hierarchy, not the government.
- Hebrews 13:7 and 13:17 back up what this is saying.
- God is raising up a people and the world will take notice of them, not because they are taking up guns, but because of the spiritual weapons they will be using.
- The minister is to thee (the believer) for good. The minister has no authority over an unbeliever!
- Our authority comes to us from God for His people.
- Other versions of the bible actually say that it is the government that we need to obey instead of the authorities in the church. This is the spirit of antichrist. It appeals to the flesh.
- Ministers of God don’t have visible uniforms like those in the churches. The anointing is not visible but by the signs following. The antichrist is using false bibles and lies to prepare people to receive him.
- A tribute is a tithe you pay to your minister for the services you are receiving. A custom is a payment made when traveling to another synagogue, you would still pay your regular tithe to the minister at home as well as the custom when traveling.
- Fear those above you, not those below you as it is today in the church. Everything is upside down, the ministers fear the congregation, husbands fear their wives, women are afraid of their children. We are to honor our employer, elders, authority in the Lord. This is contrary to the way things are and the ministers are at fault.
ROMANS 13 recap on vs 1-7, ROMANS 13:8 to ROMANS 14, MATTHEW 5:13
- What are we salty at? If the church means the government in these verses, like in the incorrect translations they use, how can the government ever be corrected, and if they can’t be corrected, where is the salt? It doesn’t exist because the preachers have been sold a lie and accepted it.
- A true minister of God doesn’t want to be in the spotlight but in the churches today they focus on one person, admiring him. The true man of God wants everyone to have the gifts of God.
- Demons are not afraid of most Christians. Believe God and walk in love. When devils see you they will see Jesus and go away. Devils stand up and cry out at a man of God’s presence when he walks in. We all need to be saltier.
- “Lost its savor” – key word “lost”. Means that when the person was first converted they had the saltiness but the cares of the world/flesh took it away.
- If we have “lost our savor” we should get in our closet and pray to the Lord to restore saltiness to us.
- We owe nothing to people but to stand in the truth and love them. When you do this, you are fulfilling the law.
- The time of our salvation is approaching. Now is the time to get serious with God. The flesh won’t believe that. We have spent too much time giving place to the flesh. We have to be single minded and that takes effort. Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Strength here means it takes effort.
- Make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Slothfulness, gluttony, and drunkenness are examples of lusts.
- Cast off the works of the flesh: unbelief, pride, self-righteousness. Be violent against those works of darkness.
- Put on Jesus and His armor: mercies and loving kindness. We should do this every day and every minute of every day.
ROMANS 13 recap on vs 1-7, ROMANS 14
- Those who think they are strong in the faith often are the opposite. A disputation is an argument to bring about doubt and unbelief of the sufficiency of the Gospel.
- A weak person in the faith is the one that eats herbs, because he can’t trust God to make the food good.
- Don’t despise him who eateth not. Any time you despise anyone you are in pride. There is NO good pride. The weak judge, and the strong despise. They are both in error.
- God hath received the one who can eat all things. If you are weak in the faith and judging others you are not received by the Lord.
- Whether you eat or not doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is whether you believe God or not, not what you do in the flesh.
- The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. None of these things edify the flesh.
- If we are at peace with God, we ought to be at peace with one another.
- If you invite a brother who is weak in the faith over to your house, don’t serve him that thing that he is weak in, but fellowship with him.
- Don’t cast off a brother that is weak. Pray for him.
- If you’re humble you’re teachable, if you’re prideful you’re not teachable.
- Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
- Don’t ever agree with someone if they are wrong, to make them feel better. Stand in the truth and bring those weak in faith to become strong in the faith.
- When that faith is realized, it is worth the long wait and patience.
- When we feel inadequate that is when the grace of God is more powerful.
- To believe is free will, not a feeling or emotion. It is a choice.
- Believing is like the transmission of a car. When it is in neutral, the car is going nowhere.
- The Holy Spirit’s ministry is to glorify Jesus.
- Don’t add to what another man preaches to be your own man. It’s not about you, if you do this to glorify yourself you will be destroyed.
- God is the God of peace between man and God. If you don’t have peace between man and God, there can be no peace between men.
- The apostle Paul naming those who are approved of, the people of the church in Rome preparing the way for Paul to come.
- There is a big responsibility for the people mentioned here to preach the same doctrine taught to them and not change anything that has been taught.
- Don’t agree with divisions, they will take over and their fair speeches will deceive the hearts of the simple.
- If you chase after evil in your righteousness you are judging others and usurping God’s authority.
- When we are born into this world we are like a battery. When we accept Jesus Christ we receive a battery charger. Most Christians make the mistake of not hooking the charger up and turning it on.
- Paul always preached the same doctrine as from the beginning, others changed it and came against him saying he was wrong. It is still true today.
- You will never see the glory of God outside of Jesus Christ.