March 2021 South Carolina Sunday Services [audio, video & notes for each service] from 2021-03-07 to 2021-03-28 are available here.
AUDIO [Soundcloud] from
South Carolina MARCH 2021 Sunday Services
VIDEO [Facebook] & NOTES from
South Carolina MONTH 2021 Sunday Services
Notes for Sunday SC 2021-03-07
- Steve Atherton
- Genesis 30-33, John 3:16, Luke 10:27, Mark 14:32-42, Acts 28:27, Galatians 5:22, 1 Corinthians 13:1-5, 1 Corinthians 12, Job 1:8, 1 John 4:20, Acts 2:44, Acts 4:32, Acts 9, Philippians 3:8, Job 2:3, Ephesians 3:14-21, John 14:12, 2 Corinthians 1:20, John 13:35
- Do you ever feel sorry for yourself? You don’t have to stay there, it’s a choice to be free from self pity. It doesn’t matter if anything or anyone around changes. You can always walk in Christ’s victory, choose to believe God.If you will put off your self pity then you are able to operate in Christ’s victory, walking in a hope that transcends what you are feeling or seeing any particular moment.
- The word says to love God and love one another, is your focus on what another needs over what you want? If it’s not you are not seeking to love one another, and you are not loving God.
- Love is pleased to do what no one else wants to do, that is loving one another. When you won’t, you don’t experience the love of the Lord.
- People will know God is real by your love one for another. Are you walking in that to be an evident example of the love of God to others?
- People don’t want to love because it costs. Will you accept the cost of loving another? If you won’t, God will not inhabit that which you are doing.
- When you are operating in love, it won’t matter whether anyone else is doing it or not. You won’t judge others for their lack of love, you will love them instead. If you’re not walking in love, you’re not walking in Christ.
- Are you willing to suffer long with another, are you willing to love another, even when no one else notices. Who are you trying to please, man or God?
- Everything you are not, God is. He wants us to have and walk in what he is, let go of what you are and grab a hold of what he is. When you walk in perfect love you are one with Christ.
- When you fear God, it helps you to depart from hell beneath. The love of God will be manifested through you.
- When Christ dwells in your heart by faith, then you do the works of Christ. You’ve got to want him to dwell in your heart. Do you want to be filled with all the fullness of God? It is available, you have to want it. Will you choose to walk in it then God is glorified and people will see he is real.
Notes for Sunday SC 2021-03-14
- Angie Perry
- Steve Atherton
- Romans 7:15, Hebrews 9:1-10:25
- We give the flesh way too much place. There’s no capital s in sin but there is a capital G in God.
- The point of baptism is that you’re separated from this flesh, you’re a new man in Christ. We don’t have to claim to be our flesh, we can enter into the holy of holies.
- How much longer are we going to walk in our flesh? We need to put off the flesh and walk in Him. God’s greater than your flesh and trumps it.
- When you repent from a thing, you don’t continue in it.
- Our sacrifice is obedience to Him.
- If you’ve been forgiven you’ve been forgiven, walk in that forgiveness. Christ came to save the ungodly, who do you think you are?
- You need mercy when you screw up.
- What does it mean to be sanctified? It means to be separated unto God. The sanctification is entirely the work of God, not the work of man.
- It is impossible for someone who chooses God to be stopped by anyone. If you choose to believe Him, He accomplishes what He promises.
- We are not called to be cookie cutter Christians.
Notes for Sunday SC 2021-03-21
- Phillip Walthall
- Angie Perry
- Steve Atherton
- Psalm 51:6, Numbers 16,1 John 2:6, 2 Peter 3, Isaiah 65:17, Mathew 13, James 3:13, 2 Thessalonians 2:10, Psalm 139:23-24
- You need the Word, it is what cleanses you.
- Do you blame God or His ministers for all the bad things going on? It is not God’s fault, nor His people’s fault, many things happen because of choices you make.
- Do you see your old man for what it is? If you are honest, you will realize your old man is no different than those who fell in unbelief from the first generation of Israel, who didn’t inherit the promised land. If you recognize that, you should despise that old man.
- Baptism is the way out, it is what enables you to walk in the new man and forsake the old man. You must first recognize there is no good thing in the old man before you will desire and receive a way out.
- When you choose the Lord then all the works you do going forward are His and He performs them, then you are free. That is the goal.
- The old man doesn’t change, it will always be corrupt. Don’t try to change it. Your old man will never be acceptable to God.
- In all things desire the Lord, He is your life, you don’t have one outside Him.
- The earth is God’s footstool, He is way bigger than your old man.
- When you abide in Him, that is the operation of God by baptism, you get to be one with Him. Is there a greater promise than that?
- The Word of God is powerful, there is nothing He can’t accomplish in a willing heart.
- Nothing in this universe will be saved but our eternal soul can be saved through Christ Jesus.
- The Lord can use your old man as compost to plant a seed of faith in others, when you are able to see your old man for what it is and not get hung up or offended.
- Your flesh is a liar and full of deceit and it always believes the lies and will never believe the truth.
- You don’t have to side with the lies of the flesh, rather live a life open before God and He will show you the truth, then you can dwell and operate in Christ Jesus.
- You can be a person like everyone else who the Lord will do His works through to manifest Himself to those around you.
Notes for Sunday SC 2021-03-28
- Carter Price
- Steve Atherton
- Colossians 1:9-23, John 10:10
- Outside of Christ everyone is wrong.There is no hope in mankind, our hope is in Christ. He is the one that can redeem and fix what is going on.
- The change has to start with each person who claims to be a believer, it’s up to believers to receive the reconciliation.
- With God things are held together and work, without God things fall apart, faster and faster. Why isn’t God doing anything about the mess in the world? God does not force his ways on anyone, people have to want Him to fix it. You have to humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, believe Him, then He can move.
- We have all been in darkness, but Christ died so we don’t have to stay there.
- When you walk in the fullness of God you make manifest the perfect will of God. When you make the perfect will of God known you are preaching the gospel.
- The problem is the church is too busy being righteous and pretty, an abomination to God. The problem is Christ isn’t in the hearts of the people who claim Him. When Christ is in your heart, wherever you go He is there.
- Walk in Christ, walk in His love, operate in the power of His Holy Spirit: things change, people’s lives change. When you operate in Christ because He honors every individual’s free will and so will you.
- If your will is to have life and yield everything to Him, all the fullness of God is available to you to operate in as a member of His body.
- If you want to be right, agree with God.
- It’s entirely up to you whether you walk in God or not. If you walk in and come to that knowledge of Him, you come to make known unto the people around you the perfect will of God, then they will know there is a God and that the gospel is true.