July 2021 South Carolina Sunday Services [audio, video & notes for each service] from 2021-07-04 to 2021-07-25 are available here.
AUDIO [Soundcloud] from
South Carolina JULY 2021 Sunday Services
VIDEO [Facebook] & NOTES from
South Carolina JULY 2021 Sunday Services
Notes for Sunday SC 2021-07-04
- Carter Price
- Steve Atherton
- Genesis 3:9-13, Matthew 16:6-12, Mark 8:15, Mark 1:21-22, 2 Timothy 4:1-4, Matthew 7:21-23, John 16: 7-14
- There are times you can avoid the path of destruction, regardless of others’ fault in it.
- Is the doctrine you’re hearing today in the church the doctrine that leads you to Christ or one that’s leading you away from Christ and to someone else?
- You are not good, you are no better than anyone else, you need a savior.
- If the doctrine you’re hearing doesn’t line up with what Christ said, it is not His doctrine. If you are going to endure sound doctrine, you’re going to have to endure the doctrine that testifies against the natural man. If you’re following Christ’s doctrine you’re not on the path to destruction.
- Responsibility; work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
- How many people do you know that will accept responsibility for what they tell you? How often do you accept responsibility for things you have told others?
- God doesn’t leave us naked and exposed, if we will believe His word. Every element that you don’t submit unto God is sin, because that is unbelief.
- You can accept the responsibility of discerning doctrine through the Holy Spirit of God. When you receive the spirit through those that he has approved and sent you can stand by the spirit of God.
- The spirit of God will guide you in all truth; the truth will set you free.
- Embrace the responsibility of faith because He has equipped you with all you need to carry that out.
Notes for Sunday SC 2021-07-11
- Megan Atherton
- Steve Atherton
- 2 Samuel 22:30, Ephesians 6:10-24, 2 Timothy 2:1-4, John 13:35, Romans 14:11, Psalm 139:7, Matthew 25:21, Psalm 113:3,
Services referenced
- Understanding Spiritual Gifts https://www.thefishermenministry.org/audio-archives/teachings-audio/teaching-understanding-spiritual-gifts/
- Undergarments of God https://www.thefishermenministry.org/home-featured-messages/undergarments-of-god/
- The Lord’s loving kindness is why we’re here today.
- The Lord will give us the want to and the how to, if we will go to him,he is that good. Do you want to see his way?
- You can be faithful no matter what your age is, no matter what situation you find yourself in or coming from. The Lord made it available, do you want it?
- When you put on the whole armor of God, you should keep it on. When you have it on, you don’t stand there in yourself, you are in Christ and you represent him.
- Faith triumphs everything.
- When you join the Lord’s body, he finds the perfect place for you.
- Lift Jesus higher means you study his word and you do it.
- Do you live in regret? There’s no freedom in the Lord when you do.
- Man is so incredibly small and the Lord created all that is seen for man. Man is small, yet so important to the Lord.
- If you are faithful in little things wearing your uniform, you will be promoted. It is a great thing to have a uniform where you can be hidden in Christ Jesus.
- Are you satisfied with the Lord and what he has for you? It is the highest calling.
- If you are in Christ, his people are your brethren, they are your family. Christ’s family is greater than any other family.
- Being strong in the Lord and the power of his might means you know you have been forgiven for every sin you’ve ever committed! When you are strong in the Lord, the people that are before you need you to wear the uniform, will you stand up and love them, standing strong in the grace? That is your job in Christ!
Notes for Sunday SC 2021-07-18
- Angie Perry
- Megan Atherton
- Phillip Walthall
- Matthew 7:22, Matthew 25:1-13, Romans 5:3-5
- The word testifies against our old man. Come just as you are before your God; if you don’t, God is not your God.
- Who is your God? Is it Jesus Christ? Choose
- Christ gladly because you get to partake of His good things. Stop trying to be your God and let God be your God.
- If you are the Lord’s you won’t judge people by your own judgement, you will judge others in God’s judgement. If you see someone struggling, lift them up in prayer.
- Your life is like a big ball of knotted yarn, if you’re trying to untie it yourself you’re only putting more knots in but Christ can unknot it if you just give it to him.
- Will you gladly choose Him now and make Him your God? There is nothing you have that is more precious than your heart, which is your soul. What price do you put on the soul Christ gave you? If you really value it, you’ll be careful where you put it. If you really value it the one place you’ll put it is in the hands of the Lord, it’s safe there, He loves you and is looking out for what’s right for you.
- The trouble you’ve gotten yourself into: was it because you got your way or didn’t get your way?
- Your salvation isn’t found in another person or place, you have to go to the Lord.
- The tribulation can come from your own doing, but also if you are in Christ, the world is going to hate you. But Christ will bring you through the other side if you are His.
- You have a choice to make; either bow now or later. If you will bow now you can be partakers of the good things He has. Choosing Christ is a choice you can make, by not choosing Him you’re still making a choice.
- If you are praising the Lord, how then can you murmur and complain and go astray? You can’t.
Notes for Sunday SC 2021-07-25
- Carter Price
- Phillip Walthall
- Isaiah 55:7-9, 1 John 1:5, John 14:6, Matthew 19:6-22, John 11:1-51
- You should be thankful everyday, the Lord has done great things!
- Man has never fixed things, the natural man of sin is the problem.
- Man’s ways and thoughts are not God’s ways or His thoughts, God’s are higher than ours.
- Repentance is forsaking your way and choosing God’s instead.
- The wicked and unrighteousness is to not believe God.
- Trust the Lord is good and believe He is doing good no matter what it may look or feel like. He works things out more perfectly than you could ever imagine.
- The way things look in this world now are not the Lord’s fault, there is no darkness in Him at all.
- Will you choose to trust God?
- Jesus is the resurrection and the life you can have at this moment and forever. He is at hand, turn to Him for the life.
- The Lord is patient and longsuffering. He understands better than anyone, go to Him with everything and trust Him.
- To choose Christ, the worldly things are not going to be important to you anymore. Do you want the things of Christ, believe you are not missing out on anything only gaining.
- Satan is the enemy of this world, the Lord made a way for us to be saved from it, God will turn the things the enemy uses to drag us down on his head and glorify Himself in and through it.
- Love God, love one another, you can only do that in Christ.