January 2021 South Carolina Sunday Services [audio, video & notes for each service] from 2021-01-03 to 2021-01-31 are available here.
AUDIO [Soundcloud] from
South Carolina JANUARY 2021 Sunday Services
VIDEO [Facebook] & NOTES from
South Carolina JANUARY 2021 Sunday Services
Notes for Sunday SC 2021-01-03
- Suzanne Eutsler
- Steve Atherton
- Psalm 37:1-6, Psalm 121:1,Psalm 39:5, John 15:5, Matthew 27:Matthew 25, Ephesians 2:1-10, Matthew 27:11-26, Romans 6-8, Luke 10:19, Psalm 22:6, Hebrews 4:1-11, Deuteronomy 4:34, Exodus, Joshua, Matthew 15:21-28, Matthew 3:7,
- There is no God like the Lord Jesus Christ, he is so good! His grace covers every multitude of sin.
- The Lord knows what his people need, he meets you where you are. Relax and trust him, he will move.
- You cannot do good, the only way to do good is in Christ because he is good and it is him that does it.
- God has not called us to just sit, he has called us to go and preach the gospel.
- What is the difference between a true Christian and what most people claim to be Christianity?
- When you believe the Lord you will enter into his rest and he does the work. If the Lord is not the one doing it, it amounts to nothing.
- All good things come from the Lord; wisdom, knowledge, strength, etc…All you have to do is call on him.
- What can you bring to God that is acceptable to him? Would you rather walk in the blessings of God or what you have? Walking in someone else’s ability rather than your own is unfamiliar, that is why it takes faith to walk in Christ’s ability and not your own.
- You have all walked according to the ways of this world which is comfortable to your natural man. If you want to walk in the new man, there must be an entire change.
- Are you going to be carnally minded or spiritually minded? If you will be led by the spirit rather than the carnal mind you will be given the power to operate fully in Christ receiving his things and freely giving them to those whom he would have you to.
- Christ sees the big picture, and provides exactly what you need in every situation, will you trust him and receive from him what he has for you? God is good, he makes up every difference for you to get you where he wants you to be.
- Every element of your salvation and anything good comes solely through Christ Jesus, he even gives us the ability to believe him.
- We get to walk on water, rise above the power of the enemy in Christ.
- Do you boast against God? What does it mean to boast against God?
- When you walk by faith, your standard is Christ, you see yourself unable to do anything of yourself. When you walk in your strength, relying on your ability, your standard is other people and you get lifted up in pride.
- If you don’t know the way of the Lord, you cannot impart it unto others.
- Operating in his faith and love are the two requirements to walk in him. How do you know when you are operating in those things? There is a fruit of believers that will increase. God will manifest his approval on you.
- As long as you see it being about the works, you’ll never walk by faith.
Notes for Sunday SC 2021-01-10
- Angie Perry
- Phillip Walthall
- Hebrews 11:1-27, Hebrews 12:1-2, 2 Samuel 7:17-29, John 1:12
- It’s not about me or you, if you continue in that thinking no one will come to know Christ. People are looking for the truth; people will believe your actions not your words.
- The struggles are to bring you to Christ. When you’re in the midst of a struggle and you turn and stand in Christ you come to believe. If you want the reward of salvation you have to pass through.
- When it’s about the Lord Jesus Christ your cup is full, overflowing. When it’s about you, you’re empty there’s not satisfying this flesh.
- The old man is what keeps you from walking in the mustard seed type faith; ask the Lord to help you put it off. If you have been baptized you’ve already been separated from that old man.
- It’s about going out and giving others what you’ve been given yourself; there’s a joy in that. Why are your problems so big that you won’t choose others, so that they can walk in the joy?
- Stop being all about yourself and what has gone on with you; be moved by the joy set before you. No other opportunity is greater than the opportunity to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Serve Him right now.
- Christ is just a fairy tale to so many people because “His” people haven’t been walking in Him.
- If you will go forward, believing Him and walking in Him He will again make a great nation of us. It is our choice, there’s a bigger picture then what you see with your natural eyes.
- All the things you need to go forward are in Him. The Lord doesn’t begrudge your struggle. Come to a place where you’re honest with yourself, then you can bring it to the Lord; the Lord can then revive you.
- The Lord would rather bless than curse. You have a choice to do that which the Lord asks you to. The Lord is not going to honor unbelief. He blesses those things that are of him, those things he inhabits.
- How do you go forward in the things he asks? You ask Him to drive you by His spirit. Do you think the Lord is bigger than you? If so, stand up in Him. You keep going to Him and you keep choosing the word.
- You can receive His word and receive Him and He will give you power to become the son of God. You can be a son, it doesn’t say you will or shall be, it comes down to a choice of what you want to be. Become the son of God, become the child of God embrace it, step into it so His power goes out.
- Give out that which the Lord has given you to get more. Don’t just take that which the Lord gives you and soak it up. It’s about the person in front of you. It’s about serving God, in turn you’re serving them. Do you want to serve God? Make the determination to serve God every moment, every day.
Notes for Sunday SC 2021-01-17
- Phillip Walthall
- Steve Atherton
- Mark 8:35, Exodus, Numbers 13,1 John 1:5, Daniel 10:8 & 17, 2 Samuel 22:30, Psalm 18:29, Psalm 42:1, Genesis 32:24-, Mark 10:17-27, Genesis, Deuteronomy 11:25, Joshua 23:9 ,Acts 9:5, John 5:30, John 8:28, Proverbs 3:3-5, Joshua, Psalm 39:5, Judges 7, Romans 10
- Build your life on the Lord and it shall stand, when you choose his life to be your life, then it shall stand. If you lay down your life you shall save it.
- The Lord delivered his people from the greatest army that existed, liberating Israel, to make Israel a great nation. He wants to do the same thing with you if you will let him. He wants to set you free from all bondage.
- When you choose to see the great things the Lord has done, you can’t help but to be thankful to him for his goodness that he has extended to even you.
- Situations look too big for you, you see yourself as a grasshopper and the situation as a giant, forget about what you see, look to the Lord, he wants to build you up on his strength, he is well able. You cannot do it, he can! It is important to realize, in yourself you are weak before you can receive strength in the Lord.
- The Lord has shown his goodness, his patience, longsuffering and love. It is there for everyone to receive, it is a choice you must make. Do you want the fullness of God? There is nothing holding you back from his fullness but you choosing it.
- Universally things are wrongly divided, whether it be the word of God or the truth of situations, political and otherwise. What has happened with the election right now is a very strong rebuke to Christians. Where there is light, darkness flees, if either of the sides were operating in the Spirit of God, the others could not stand. Both sides are wrong, but are blind hypocrites, pointing fingers at one another instead of loving one another, presuming God is with them.
- Do you see yourself or one side of the political realm as good and others evil? There are none good but one, that is God! You have to absolutely know that there is nothing good in you!
- In order to receive the revealed Word of God, you must lay down all your understanding and receive the Word as a child, recognizing you know nothing.
- Who have you seen that met Jesus Christ, and stood? No one! Nobody can stand. When you are in Christ, the lies will not stand before you either.
- If Jesus wasn’t good, what basis does you have to declare you or anyone else is? None at all, God is good, that doesn’t make you good.
- Jesus spoke only what his father gave him to speak, you are called to do the same thing, will you?
- What are you holding onto so tightly that is your life? You must lay it down to be able to hold fully onto Christ as Jacob did when he wrestled with the angel. Where is your trust, in the Lord? In riches? In your own understanding?
- When you receive the free gift of God, his righteousness by faith, recognizing your complete undeservedness of it, you can’t help but love God and all others, wanting what’s best for them.
- When all your need is supplied by Jesus Christ, you won’t look to anyone for your provision.
- Do you have a hope for others that far exceeds the other person? Don’t look at the person, their hope as well as yours is in Christ Jesus alone! There’s no one Christ can’t reach through you, if you will love him and those before you. Let his people walk in his extraordinariness, he is the only extraordinary!
Notes for Sunday SC 2021-01-24
- Steve Atherton
- Proverbs 28:13, Ephesians 4, Matthew 3:2, Acts 2-3, Revelation 2-3, Hebrews 12:16-17, Ephesians 2:1-3 , Mark 8:35, Philippians 3:8, Romans 7:18-8:9, John 5:30, James 1:6-8, Hebrews 6, John 8:3-11, Romans 5:20-6:2, Matthew 22:37, 1 John 2:3-4, 2 Peter 1:1-4, Matthew 11
- You must get the fundamentals of what it is to be a Christian right, they have been lost, one of the biggest ones is repentance. It is rarely heard of in the Church.
- The gospel is good news to a bad people, that’s why you need to repent before you can receive the gospel. Do you recognize you are not good?
- What does repent mean? An entire life change, a change of choice, it has nothing to do with how you feel.
- The American church has become very lukewarm, very satisfied with itself. That is not pleasing to God.
- Do you realize your flesh/old man is entirely sin? It is a choice to desire a new life in Christ’s body, then you get to experience the things of this earth growing strangely dim. When you operate in that, you are operating in true repentance.
- Before becoming a Christian you had a lord, you were subject to the cursed flesh which serves sin/satan, it was all you knew.
- The gospel’s proclamation is that God loves you and died for you, knowing there is no good in you.
- Satan is the father of pride and lies, the flesh is addicted to pride, pride blinds, that’s why it seems to your old man to be a good thing.
- You cannot hold onto the old life and get the new one. Do you count your former life as dung?
- Your carnal senses are tied to your carnal mind and they lead to death.
- Jesus didn’t walk in his own judgement, he sought his fathers and that’s what he walked in, therefore he was always right. You can do the same.
- Dead works are the things you do that you think are good, if you want to do good, you must cease from your own works and walk in Christ’s.
- Do you see the wretchedness of your old man? Christ is the only one that can deliver you from it, it is a choice, you have to receive it.
- Have you had the experience of total repentance? It is not too late to experience it now, if you do, you get to partake of all his good things. If you won’t, you won’t be saved. All it takes is humility.
Notes for Sunday SC 2021-01-31
- Angie Perry
- Phillip Walthall
- 2 Timothy 2:5, 1 Peter 5
- Everyday is just as important; you should get before the Lord everyday to give out what the Lord would have for the people.
- It’s a process, we don’t come knowing all things and doing things perfectly, we come as we are.
- It’s the parents job to mold your children to be less about themselves and more about serving.
- You are either serving yourself, which is serving satan or you’re serving Christ. As you learn and receive the word you can feed the flock of God.
- If we are all operating in the love of God we want each of our brothers to receive what He would have for them.
- Serving someone isn’t catering to their flesh. If you want to preach the gospel you have to live by the gospel. Being an ensample to the flock is walking in the gospel. If you can change your perspective to seeing what an honor it is to be a partaker of His work, you can minister Him to others.
- The more self we get rid of the more God we gain. We can then offer more of Him to others. The more you receive the more you can give.
- The Lord is here to set you free of the stupid things that you can operate freely in Him. Christ is bigger than your screw ups.
- Lay down your life, choose Him and go after it. You may not go after it perfectly but praise God, ask Him to fix it and learn from it. If you choose Him you can’t go wrong. The love of God can be perfected in you if you will just allow it.
- If you want it there’s nothing holding you back but yourself. Be a partaker to give it out to others. Grab a hold to it, receive the freedom, walk in it and give it out.