ESFTP Training
ESFTP Training
Training Description
Practical experience is central to preparing a disciple to take his or her place in Christ’s Body. You must put into practice that which you are learning, preferably under the watchful eye of your teacher and those he or she may put you with to learn. Should you be able to join with us in one of our local fellowships, you will get plenty of opportunities to practice that which you are learning. You will lead Bible studies, preach in services, play music, sing, write, interact on social media, run sound boards, PA systems, video cameras and broadcast services. You will have opportunity to learn from those who know how to perform each of these functions and perform other functions that Christ may be calling you to do, such as: run a coffee shop ministry, preach tent revivals, minister in the streets or operate a home church.
For those of you who are far afield, we have many online ways for you to participate while guiding and directing you to seize the opportunities that you have available locally to practice. Moreover, through participation in events like our annual Ministers Conference, tent revivals and/or other events you will have the opportunity to meet us face to face, even if only for a relatively short period of time. As the Lord leads, we may even travel to your location to work with you for a season. In the end, the goal is to see to it that God’s people are fully equipped to carry out the work that He has for them to do through whatever means are necessary.
The Christian walk is a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week, 365 days a year walk. Teaching you how to walk that out is our mission as it is only through ordinary people, walking in the extraordinary power and love of God in every aspect of their lives (i.e. in their families, work places, at the marketplace as well as during services) that the world will know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. We understand that is not the norm in the church today, but it ought to be and is more important now than ever before.