Self-Study Curriculum
ESFTP Year 1
Course Description
- The Word of God. Foundational to a believers service to the Lord is knowing God’s Word. The Scripture teaches that faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. Therefore it is critical that each student get the Word into them, preferably at least two or three witnesses of the Word so that it is established in the believer’s heart. With that goal in mind, every student should either read aloud to themselves or have Alexander Scourby read the Word to them. Scourby reads the entire Bible in 71 hours and 14 minutes and the New Testament in 18 hours and 7 minutes. That means if a student dedicates 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, they can read the New Testament twice and the Old Testament once in thirty six (36) weeks. If you give a half hour a day 6 days a week, you can read both the New and Old Testaments twice in less than a year. If you do it seven days a week, you can get through the New Testament a third time with room to spare! You can download Scourby’s reading of the Bible in .mp3 format for under $20 here.
- Articles of Faith. Jesus’ doctrine was with power of the Holy Spirit. It is what distinguished His ministry from that of the scribes and pharisees. Sound doctrine is therefore foundational. We use our Articles of Faith, which are quite detailed, as the means for establishing each student in sound doctrine. They are available to read here. Simply reading our Articles of Faith and studying the passages in the Bible referenced to establish each Article will take you on a guided tour through the Scripture that can be life-transformative to the humble student. Sadly, very few Christians ever conduct such a study. In ESFTP, we consider it critical to the believer having a solid foundation upon which to build. That is why each disciple goes through the Articles of Faith with his or her teacher before turning to more advanced subjects. For those of you who have not entered discipleship, know that we are pleased to answer questions that you may have concerning any provision of our Articles of Faith.
- Foundational Studies. Understanding the nature of God and His plan for the redemption of man is critical to understanding the Word of God in context that you can get properly oriented in Christ to serve Him. We recommend that you study (in the order set forth below) the following messages over the remainder (estimated to be 48 weeks) of year one.
- Weeks 1-4 Study each of the Articles of Faith and the Scriptures establishing them.
- Weeks 5-11 Study on Seven Steps to Walking in the Prosperity of the Lord.
- Brother Richard (Davy) preached this seven day series back in 1991. In contrast to the popular “prosperity Gospel” this series lays out seven simple steps for every to take to prosper in the Spirit. Each of the seven messages is roughly one hour long. We recommend that you do at least one message a week.
- Weeks 12-13 Study on Prayer
- Read Brother Davy’s written teaching entitled “A Word About Prayer”
- Listen to Day 4 of the 2018 Ministers Conference Seminar on Prayer.
- Weeks 14-19 Study on Perfection in Christ.
- Listen to the six day 2018 VT Tent Revival, entitled Let us go on unto perfection. Each night’s sermon was roughly 1.5 hours long.
- Week 20 Study on how to be fruitful in Christ Jesus.
- Study the written teaching on 2 Peter 1. In it, you will see how the Apostle Peter lays out the path for every believer to be fruitful in Christ Jesus.
- Weeks 21-30 Study on Spiritual Gifts
- Listen to Brother Davy’s 1996 teaching entitled Understanding Spiritual Gifts. This ten day series lays out how “gifts” as compared to “signs” are to work in the Church. A must for every believer to understand.
- Week 31 Study the Watchman Called of Man and the Watchman Called of God
- Study Brother Davy’s two prophecies based upon Ezekial 33. One concerns the Watchman Called of Man, which essentially refers to Pastors, and the other the Watchman Called of God. Both roles are important for believers to understand.
- Weeks 32-37 Study God’s Plan for the Redemption of Man
- Listen to Brother Davy’s 2003 Winchester, New Hampshire revival message on the Parables of Matthew 13, laying out God’s plan for the redemption of man, including a detailed study of the three seeds – the elect seed of God, the seed of Satan and the seed of Adam. This message sets the record straight on the often misunderstood concepts of predestination and free will, both of which are plainly set forth in the Scriptures.
- Weeks 38-40 Study on the Vision of Two Revivals
- Study Brother Steve’s teaching on the Vision of Two Revivals, the prophetic vision that the Lord gave Brother Davy more than forty (40) years ago. In it Brother Steve shows how the vision has come to pass in the present day. This is strong meat for those who want to understand what is wrong with the church today.
- Week 41 Study on Worship
- Listen to day 1 of the 2018 Ministers Conference Seminar on Worship. It will change your perspective on what worship is and how critical it is to you experiencing Christ’s victory in your life.
- Week 42 Study on Praise
- Listen to the 2018 Ministers Conference Seminar on Praise. It will enlighten you to the many aspects of praise and how to employ this crucial weapon of warfare in your life and ministry.
- Weeks 43-47 Study Judgment, Sanctification and Walking Worthy of the Vocation Wherewith you are Called
- Listen to the 2020 Ministers Conference Seminars (Day 1 to Day 5 in order). These meaty messages have the power to set you free to serve the Lord if you will hear them.
- Weeks 48-52 Open
- Throughout the year, there are holidays, family times, travel and other matters that come up. We have left five weeks open to account for this fact.
These weeks are left open so that you can make up anything you may have missed or fallen behind on throughout the year.