April 2021 South Carolina Sunday Services

April 2021 South Carolina Sunday Services [audio, video & notes for each service] from 2021-04-04 to 2021-04-25 are available here.

AUDIO [Soundcloud] from
South Carolina APRIL 2021 Sunday Services

VIDEO [Facebook] & NOTES from
South Carolina APRIL 2021 Sunday Services

Notes for Sunday SC 2021-04-04


  • Phillip Walthall
  • Steve Atherton


  • Exodus 14-15, Revelation 12:11, Luke 14:25-26, Romans 7:18, Roman 8:7, 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 4:18, Exodus 12, Numbers 13, Psalm 48:2, 1 Samuel 21:10-15, Acts 27 & 28, 1 Corinthians 15:54, Acts 7:54, Luke 24, Romans 8:36-37, Genesis 1, John 13:16, John 19:26-27, Matthew 7:2, Philippians 3:7-8, Ephesians 2:1-3, 1 Colossians 1:13, Joshua 1


  • Before you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are bound to the flesh. Through Baptism the stronghold it has on you gets destroyed. That is something to rejoice in! Not only are you forgiven your sins, you don’t have to be bound to them anymore!
  • The Lord is a gentleman, he doesn’t force his freedom upon you, it’s your choice to take hold of it. On the other hand the old man is not a gentleman, it wants to drag you to hell and will do whatever it can to take you there. 
  • The people in the bible are people just like you, by faith in Christ, they walked in the victory of Christ, you are able to do the same. You are called to do the same. There is no excuse for you not to. 
  • When the old man imposes his will on you, it’s time to go to war! Don’t let him rob you of what the Lord has for you! 
  • The absence of God is the absence of love because God is love.
  • Your carnal man is at enmity with God, it is opposite of the Lord. If you hang onto loving this life, you have made an entrance for the enemy to come in, to kill, steal and destroy. 
  • If you lay down your life and call him Lord and Savior, you are his servant.
  • The Lord is beautiful for situation, it doesn’t mean the situation is beautiful. If you are a servant of the Lord, you should be able to stand in those situations.  
  • The redemption of the Lord is great, he can redeem your failures, will you let him. 
  • You will not overcome the devil if you love your life. You won’t enter into the victory unless you lay down your life. It’s all done by making a choice. When you lay your life down, you will be able to rightly love those before you. 
  • Nothing can touch your soul and spirit when it is in Christ Jesus, not even death. Don’t sell out for anything, nothing is more precious than what we have in Christ. 
  • When you hate all others including your own life also, that is to not prefer them, it is to theirs and your salvation!
  • If you are walking in Christ then everyday you will have a testimony. 
  • The enemy cannot touch anything in the body of Christ. In Christ is the strong tower, that is where you are safe. It is not a thing you can see, you must walk by faith.

Notes for Sunday SC 2021-04-11


  • Angie Perry
  • Phillip Walthall
  • Steve Atherton


  • Hebrews 4:9, Numbers 22-24, 2 Samuel 12


  • Does God reign over you, are you submitted unto Him? Do you walk as whatever the Lord speaks you must do? Do you want your eyes opened? 
  • There are only two kingdoms to operate under; the kingdom of God or the kingdom of the enemy. It is an individual choice if you’re going to serve the Lord or not. 
  • How many times have we been forgiven but we don’t want to believe it, we want to stay in the guilt. Go rest in the fact that you’re forgiven.
  • You rest in His ability and what He can do through you, not only for your sake but for those around you.
  • You can choose to walk in victory, it’s up to you to be a part of the Lord’s plan, you are well able to be a part of that plan. 
  • When you start keeping His commandments and walking in His power, that’s when you have the enemies attention, before then you are not on his radar. 
  • When you get confronted with things do you hear what your authority says or do you walk away justified? 
  • Do you like getting your tail whipped or do you want to walk in the victory? If you can’t come forward and come to the light to bring these things our you’re not going to walk in the victory.
  • When you come to the light, to the Lord, you get unburdened and free! The victory is only found in Him, not in yourself. Stop looking at yourself and start looking at Christ. Take on the victory of Christ, walk in the newness of Christ. If you will walk in that, there is nothing that can hold you back.

Notes for Sunday SC 2021-04-18


  • Steve Atherton
  • Phillip Walthall


  • John 12:19- 33, Luke 16:20-31, Luke 23:39-43, Psalm 22, Hebrews 2:10,  John 3:26-30, Romans 5:1-8, Luke 20:9-17


  • God has set things up perfectly for your provision. 
  • If you are going to see things change in your communities, you choose to hate this life, laying it down and serving Christ. Then you will be where he is and he will be manifest to those around you. 
  • The reality of God and what he can do in an individual’s life is extraordinary. When you know that reality yourself, then you can share it with others.
  • You grow to a place of maturity in Christ because someone loved you when you were unlovable, are you willing to do the same for others.
  • Satan has no power to withstand Christ, there is no circumstance, situation or power, Jesus is not greater than.
  • It is an absolute that if you will serve Christ you will be where he is, and God will honor you. You will serve someone, either the Lord or satan.
  • God gives everyone a soul, it is the seat of the will. When you choose Christ you get to be free in who you are in Him. 
  • The only thing you need to do to be an extraordinary minister of the Lord, is serve him, then you will be with him and people will see the difference, because it will be about who God is. 
  • You need to believe the gospel to be saved, the gospel doesn’t testify well of you. Living the gospel means you allow others to see your short-comings and the victory you have in Christ in spite of you. 
  • The only thing that overcomes all prejudices and condemnation is the love of God. When you die unto yourself, you can now do unto others as Christ would have you do. 
  • Are you seeking glory or are you seeking to glorify the Father as Jesus did? It is  not about you or what you do, it is about the Father, what he has done and what he does. He gets the glory, all else is pride. Are you willing to be a bumbling idiot, with your confidence in him?
  • When you are seeking self glorification, you are being just like the Pharisees whom Jesus sharply rebuked. Die to yourself and get out of the way! 

Notes for Sunday SC 2021-04-25


  • Angie Perry
  • Steve Atherton


  • 2 Chronicles 7:14, Joel 2, Acts 16


  • Do you know you have a lot to be thankful for? How often do you think on the Lord and his goodness?
  • If you are a believer, you are called to be a soldier. The battle is before us all the time. Are you prepared to fight?
  • Why do you show up for Services and Bible Studies? If the truth is preached, it should be hard not be changed and choose to live the gospel ever day all the time!
  • Change starts with you first, if you are a believer, it is the only way to show the love of God to those around you. 
  • There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain! Every type of bondage that holds his army back from being free can be broken by the spirit of the Lord! 
  • The Lord is raising up an army, will you be a part of his army. 
  • The only way you will be obedient to the Lord and not break rank is if you trust and believe him! Do you walk in the boldness of the Lord, trusting the Lord is able? An army is bold!
  • Are you willing to stand as those over us have, for the sake of others? 
  • Everyone before receiving Christ is dead, dry bones, lifeless, because Christ is the life. Choose to allow the Lord to revive you and give you life in him.
  • With freedom comes responsibility and choice. You have to make the choice yourself, choose him, set your affections on him, then there is not a single person in your life that can keep you from getting any of them.
  • The Lord is raising up an army and his army is free. Recognize your part in it is greater than you.
  • Prefer what is going on as a body, recognizing it bigger than you and see it for the privilege it is. 
  • Jesus in every instance ministered to the person in front of him, no matter what background they came from. He was not a respecter of persons. You are to follow his example.