My journey to the Lord began after my husband of 25 years died in 1999. I was working in a law office in Springfield, Vermont during that time, and my daughter was married and my son was attending college. Less than a month after my husband died, my father-in-law died. Then within the next few months my father and grandmother died. Then two weeks after my grandmother died, the law office I worked at burned down. Now, the only place I considered “normal” in my life was gone. Talk about stress! A deep depression set in, along with a fear and anxiety that I had never seen before. Now my life was panic attacks, severe weight loss, and sleeplessness. In a desperate prayer I asked to the Lord to show me where He was. I had been a Catholic all my life up until this point, but did not see any evidence that the Lord was in the Church. I had been in the choir for years because I enjoyed music, and really attended just for the music. I was at my lowest point and knew that only the Lord could help me, if He was there. Was He there? Where was He? My prayer was almost immediately answered through work. I was a legal secretary and we needed a new computer system, so my boss hired someone to replace the computers. This man started talking to me about the Lord, and the Gospel, and I accepted the Lord soon afterward. I later realized that this man, Charles, was sent by Jesus to be the answer to my prayer. My life has never been the same! Everyone around me, both my co-workers and my family, noticed an immediate change when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. There is Joy in the Lord!!
As I began my walk in the Lord, read the Word of God and attended bible studies, I would have an asthma attack on the way to bible study, every time. I had had this asthma for 23 years. When I was on a trip, a man of God asked me if I wanted to be free of that asthma. I said yes! He prayed and I was immediately delivered of that asthma, and I have been free of it ever since then! To this day! The doctor confirmed this when I went to have the asthma checked. He said it was as if I had never had asthma. The Lord has performed a miracle in my life! Since then I have seen the Lord at work in His Body. The Lord is indeed a healer and deliverer, and hears our prayers.