Founder of The Fishermen Ministry – 1947 – 2017
Richard Eutsler (better known as “Brother Davy” or simply “Davy”) was a mighty man of God, but it wasn’t always that way. Davy was the youngest of 4 children and one of two surviving quadruplets. He was born in Maryland, but grew up mostly in Florida, after his parents divorced. He was raised by his mother and step-father, both of whom had drinking problems in his youth. Thankfully they, like he, were ultimately reconciled to the Lord. His early life in Florida was filled with plenty of adventure, some good, but most of it bad. When he was quite young, he loved going to services. He would even sneak away from home to go to tent meetings led by some of the Great Revivalists of the 1950s and saw many miracles. That all changed, however, when his grandmother, whom he loved dearly, died in terror screaming “Oh no, they’re coming for me” or words to that effect. When he asked the minister about what he had seen, the minister told him, “It was the will of God.” As he described it, something in him snapped that day.
He decided if that was the “will of God” then he wanted nothing to do with God. From that point on he was a terror, until the day he met the Lord on his way to punch out a preacher. On that day the Lord not only saved him, but called him into the ministry. Three days later, he received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Immediately he began to minister and walk in the power of the Lord, much like we read the Apostle Paul did in the Scripture.
As he described it, when he walked in a church, devils would manifest. He would say, “devil, come out of ‘em” and immediately the person would be delivered. Unfortunately, the churches did not know what to make of him. After four years of heeding counsel from “learned” ministers and Christian “elders” he was all messed up. The devils that he formerly cast out effortlessly, now laughed at him. When his frustration peaked in 1976, he set his mind to know the truth. He went to El Paso, Texas and locked himself in a room and prayed “Lord, I’m not leaving this room until you show me the truth or I die. If I die, I’ll know the truth, but it won’t do you any good. But if I live, I’ll tell everyone.” After six days of praying and fasting, he awakened on the seventh day. As he began to pray and fast, he heard a loud snap behind him, much like that of a person snapping a sheet. Suddenly there was nothing but darkness. The Lord then proceeded to show him the Word from Genesis to Revelation. Similar to a movie, but different in that it was as though he was actually there, he saw all the events of Scripture laid out before him. When the Lord was done, 14 more days had passed. Shortly thereafter Richard was in prayer one night (in Florida) when the Lord, in a vision, showed him a man reading his Bible. As he watched, he saw the man close his bible and pray, “Lord, if this word is true, send someone to me that believes it, to heal me and I’ll serve you the rest of my life.” As the vision concluded, the Lord said to Richard, “Go to Maryland.” Richard, doubting in himself about what had just happened, answered: “Lord, if you want me to go to Maryland, send someone here with $20 before midnight.” It was 11:30 p.m. Twenty minutes later, a member of the congregation knocked on his door, handed him a $20 bill and said: “The Lord told me to give this to you.” Richard left for Maryland immediately. While milling about at his father’s place, his father told him that his cousin Earl had recently married and was living in Herald Harbor. Richard went over to visit. There he found his cousin with his flower child wife, Robin Atherton. As Richard began to minister, his cousin Earl exited stage left. Robin stuck around, but challenged Richard in a way no one else ever did. She said, “If you can prove to me that the Gospel is true without using that Book, I’ll believe.”
Richard paused for a moment, praying. Then the Lord gave it to him to minister the Gospel to her mathematically. Unbeknowst to Richard, Robin loved math and immediately received the Lord. She had broken her tail bone at one time and still experienced pain. Richard prayed for her and the Lord healed her. From there, he and Robin went to Maureen Robinette’s home down the street.
Maureen’s husband was a psycho-therapist and they were Buddhist’s or something like that. As Richard ministered the Gospel to Maureen, she received the Lord, adding “there is a really nice guy here in the Harbor, who is a little sick. Would you mind praying for him?” Richard answered, “Sure” and off they went. When Richard entered the home, he immediately saw that this was the man he had seen in the vision. The man was more than a little sick, however. His belly was all bloated and he suffered terribly from jaundice. It turned out he was suffering from a rare liver disease that was terminal. His wife Ann, who was sitting on the couch with her foot elevated and bandaged, had recently been told that she would never walk again.
Their pre-school daughter was sitting on the floor wearing coke bottle thick glasses, “blind in one eye and could not see out of the other,” as Richard described it. Immediately, he was hit with a wave of fear, “What have I gotten myself into,” but steadied himself in the Lord, thinking what does the Scripture say? “Preach the Gospel. Heal the sick.” So, he opened his mouth and began to preach.
When he felt the anointing fall, he said to the man’s wife. “Woman, before I leave here today, you will walk.” Her thought was “Yeah right.” Shortly thereafter, he turned to the man and prayed.
Immediately, the man’s color was restored to normal and the swelling went away. He was totally healed. He then turned to Ann and told her to stand up. She thought, “I’ll show him,” but as she began to move she noticed that she could wiggle her toes.
She stood on her feet, completely healed. He prayed for their daughter too, but her parents did not believe her that she was healed. She had to break her glasses for them to finally believe. That event was the beginning of the fellowship that is now known as The Fishermen Ministry. Richard has since gone home to be with the Lord as has Keith Fowler, the man in the vision. The others are still alive to this day. Through the years, Richard was faithful to his promise to God. He told everyone what the Lord had showed him. Most would not hear, but those who did were blessed. Thankfully, many of his messages are preserved as set forth in the links below. More importantly, we who remain are his epistles, “known and read of all men”, much like the Apostle Paul wrote of the Corinthians. II Cor. 3:1-3. May the Lord be with us mightily, as He was with Richard, that the world may know that Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life” and that “no man cometh unto the Father, but by” Jesus. John 14:6.
A Christmas Letter
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Is Your Salvation Secure?
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Who Are The Elect Of God?
They are the men and women called by The Father through His Word, Jesus!
Joshua On The March
Crossing the River Jordan is God’s plan for His people. It separates the “old man” from the “New” by Richard Eutsler Sr.
Is The Church In Trouble?
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Shields of Gold / Shields of Brass
Richard Eutsler Sr preached on Shields of Gold and Shields of Brass.
Self-Confidence vs Self-Esteem
Richard Eutsler, Sr. preached about Self-Confidence vs Self-Esteem, on February 16th, 2014 in Texas Sunday service.