My name is Jeanne L. Lamica. I was born and raised in Tupper Lake, NY. I have lived in Vermont since 1984, except for a few years in Key West, Florida and Staunton, Virginia.
I married in 1987 and divorced in 1996, leaving me a single parent of two children. I worked office jobs for 15 years to support us.
I always knew Jesus was real. I was raised in the Catholic church. During my childhood I always knew something was amiss, but there seemed to be no other church to turn to as my hometown was predominately catholic.
A few months before my divorce was finalized, while my children and I were already living apart from their father, I cried out to the Lord Jesus in desperation to help me raise the children. Jesus answered my cry and He took care of us. Miraculously, we always had a home, clothing and food.
The Lord answered my cry through an attorney who happened to be a believer on Jesus Christ unlike any catholic priest I had ever associated with. That attorney was Steven H. Atherton and he quickly became my minister. Through that one phone call, my whole life began to change in a brand new way: getting to know Jesus Christ and submitting to His ways.
My children are now in their twenties and the Lord has blessed me with owning and operating a commercial cleaning business LamCo Cleaning Services, LLC. This business continually gets me out of my comfort zone. It requires me to put all my trust in Jesus Christ because without Him I can do nothing. Read John 15:5. I look forward each day to serving Jesus Christ who died for me that I may have life eternal with Him.