The Fishermen Ministry


Our mission, like that of the Apostle Paul’s, is to:

  • Minister, in power, the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost.
  • Edify the body of Christ through the propagation of Biblically sound teachings.
  • Raise up and equip ministers of the gospel through the scriptural means of discipleship.
    Establish local churches where believers fellowship, worship, and minister one to another in faith, love and power.
  • Perfect the saints in the faith.

Much like the Apostle Paul, the cornerstone of our inter-denominational message is faith in God’s Word, backed by the power of God’s Holy Spirit. As Paul understood, Jesus Christ is our common Lord & Savior & His Word our final authority. And like believers of all generations, it brings us no greater joy than to fellowship and join forces with those of like precious faith.

Browse around our website. Our hope is that you will find it easy to navigate, but contact us with your questions, comments or suggestions so that we can make it better for all. 

Elijah School for the Prophets  we honor that which the Prophets Elijah and Elisha set up in ancient Israel…..

All of our Audio, Video and Writings from our ministry are available here…..  

You can listen to our featured messages from all of our services here….

The Fishermen Ministry

Matthew 4:19 – And He Saith Unto Them, “Follow me, and I will make you Fishers of Men.”

Our mission, like that of the Apostle Paul’s, is to:

  • Minister, in power, the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost.
  • Edify the body of Christ through the propagation of Biblically sound teachings.
  • Raise up and equip ministers of the gospel through the scriptural means of discipleship.
  • Establish local churches where believers fellowship, worship, and minister one to another in faith, love and power.
    Perfect the saints in the faith.

Much like the Apostle Paul, the cornerstone of our inter-denominational message is faith in God’s Word, backed by the power of God’s Holy Spirit. As Paul well understood, Jesus Christ is our common Lord and Savior and His Word our final authority. And like believers of all generations, it brings us no greater joy than to fellowship and join forces with those of like precious faith.

Please browse around our website. Our hope is that you will find it easy to navigate, but contact us with your questions, comments or suggestions so that we can make it better for all. 

ESFTP (Elijah School for the Prophets)

Featured Messages

Valley of Baca

Steve Atherton preached about The Valley of Baca (The Valley of Weeping), on December 12th, 2017 in Texas Sunday service.

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Messages To Remember

Valley of Baca

Steve Atherton preached about The Valley of Baca (The Valley of Weeping), on December 12th, 2017 in Texas Sunday service.

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Important Teachings

Our Written Materials

Writings, Teachings, Sermons, Prophecies, Topical Scripture References & Articles of Faith

ARTICLES OF FAITH These are very important. Jesus’ doctrine was with power. So likewise will yours be if you preach the Word of God. Therefore we encourage you to not just read our Articles of …

TEACHINGS These are often in depth teachings on important subjects. Many of these were written by Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. Here is what he had to say: “Over the years the Lord blessed me with …

SERMONS These messages are shorter statements on issues of concern to Christians. We include them here in the hope that they will bless you …

PROPHECIES Many of these were written by Richard D. Eutsler, Sr. This is what he had to say: “I share with you some Prophesies that I received over the years. I put them here for …

TOPICAL SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES We believe that the Word of God speaks for itself. Over the years, we have found that there are certain topics that come up regularly. Scriptures relating to many of those topics …